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TW: Smut lol

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TW: Smut lol

Bill stopped for a moment, his mind barely registering the movements going on and the weak kisses he was returning. His heart was thumping wildly fast almost like it was demanding to escape from beneath his warm skin.  

Taissa's lips were soft, her kiss was gentle and desperate all at once, she couldn't bring herself to stop even if it was to breathe. 

Bill parted his lips for a moment, a gasp erupted from his throat as Taissa slipped her tongue into his mouth instantly, tracing it along his bottom lip, testing his limits. His hands grabbed Taissa's face, roughly pulling her closer. The kiss was no longer gentle, the tension between the two growing hotter with every second that their lips fought together. 

A soft moan escaped her sweet lips, driving Bill mad. He didn't want to waste any more time, he needed her now. He needed to taste her now. Bill's hands now travelled to her waist, tugging at the night dress that was swaying from her body, he pulled his lips away. Neither of them spoke a word when he pulled away, the heavy breathing the only noise in her thumping ears. 

Bill brought his wet lips back to hers, his tongue pleading for entry again, sliding its way into her warm mouth and moving along with her tongue. His hands remained on her waist, urging her to jump up. She did so, her legs wrapping around his hips. He guided them to the kitchen bench, which was the closest surface he could make it to with being so impatient. 

Taissa let out a soft groan as he placed her on the cold bench, her legs now hanging off the bench in the air. He stepped in between her legs, nudging his torso in between so he was pressed up firmly against her, his brown eyes full of lust and staring at her. Bill placed his hand gently on her jaw, his thumb tracing along her bottom lip while his other hand slowly moved up her thigh, the feeling of her smooth skin tickling beneath his rough hand.

"S'okay?" He asked softly, his eyes now glancing down at his hand resting on her thigh. 

She nodded, the warm feeling in her stomach growing. 

"I want you to tell me," He said, pressing a kiss against her jawline, "I want you to tell me you want this," He kissed again, moving along her jawline, the kiss this time longer.

"I do want this," She said shyly, the words soft.

Taissa let out a gasp as Bill grabbed her chin, pulling her face to his and their lips meeting again, his kiss becoming more aggressive. His hand wandered below, moving closer to her centre, his index finger running along the front, a wet patch clear on her crimson lace underwear. He groaned into the kiss, hooking his finger into the side of her underwear and pulling it down. 

"Oh fuck," He cursed, his eyes travelling down to her exposed sex. 

Bill placed one last kiss against her mouth, the kiss strong and dominant before he pulled away and slowly moved down, the sound of Taissa's heavy breathing growing louder as he went lower. His hands now gripped either side of her legs, tight on her hips as he licked his lips, bringing his face to her centre and taking one long stride along her clit. 

Taissa jolted at the sensation of his drawing tongue between her folds, her hand clasping down on his head, her fingers interlocking with strands of his blond hair. She tugged lightly, earning a moan from Bill, which vibrated against her core. His tongue licked up and down slowly on her sopping sex, his movements slow and teasing on purpose. 

Taissa's mind was scrambled, yearning for more from Bill, she parted her lips, licking her bottom teeth in frustration. Before she could beg, Bill pushed his face in further, his movements growing more powerful, the cold metal of his piercings against her teasing, the lapping of his tongue getting stronger. Taissa threw her head back, a loud moan escaping her lips as Bill continued to taste her, his cock growing painfully large in his sweatpants. She felt herself getting closer, the pulling in her stomach growing more intense with every lick and stride his tongue made against her core. With his tongue slowly circling her clit, taking it into his mouth and suckling she felt herself coming down, a loud cry echoing out.

He lifted his head, pressing a kiss against Taissa's open mouth. Whilst doing so, he placed his hand against her core, his thumb attached to her swollen clit, circling softly. He plunged his two index fingers inside, feeling the tight soft walls cling around his fingers, her juices coating them.

"You taste divine," Bill said, wiping the juices from his chin with the back of his other hand.

Bill curls his fingers inside her, with his other hand applying slightly more pressure to her clit. Taissa cries out, feeling herself getting closer again so quickly. Bill notices and withdraws his fingers, not wanting to overstimulate her before he gets a chance. He stares at her flushed face, his thought process was clear as day on his face as he bought his fingers to her mouth, shoving them into her open mouth, "Suck" He demanded, "Taste yourself"

Taissa moaned, taking his fingers and sucking them, the sweet taste coaxing her tongue. Using his spare hand, Bill pulls down his grey sweatpants, his cock immediately springing up, as he's not wearing any underwear. He wasted no time, his hands now at her hips and dragging her closer to him, lining himself up and pushing himself in with a loud guttural moan. He thrusts, and the sound of Taissa whining brings a sick grin to his face. His hands on her hips tighten, sure to cause bruises.

"Oh god," Taissa chokes a gasp out, snaking her arms around his neck.

Bill thrust again, the sound of her wetness bringing overwhelming pleasure to his ears, her breathing heavy against his neck. Taissa drops a hand, clinging to the base of his pullover. Bill's thrusts increase, stronger and harder, her insides aching. With the pleasure almost unbearable, Taissa can feel herself getting closer to the edge with Bill's thrusts, the pressure building, his lips attaching to her neck, sucking at her skin. 

A growl of satisfaction erupts from Bill's throat as he hears Taissa's loud moans and feels her come undone beneath him, her legs trembling, slick running down her thighs. He pulls out, his cum splashing against her stomach as he moans aloud, his head thrown back.

Taissa's legs snap together, her hands rushing to pull her dress over the bottom half. Bill chuckles at this, licking his lips. 

"Come here," He says.

Taissa leans forward, her stomach filled with butterflies.

Bill leans in, his lips grazing her softly, placing a gentle kiss on her swollen raw lips.

"Let's go take a bath," He whispers into the kiss, "I'll clean you up," He says with a smile.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙Where stories live. Discover now