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TW: Mention of sexual scenes.

The morning sun was bright, the white rays peaking their way through the closed blinds, gently lighting sections of the dark messy room. The beige blankets on the bed were ruffled, the fitted sheet ripping from the corner and pillows fallen onto the carpet floor.

Taissa's eyes fluttered open, the sun startling her out of her peaceful slumber, poking and prodding at her new fresh headache from the intake of alcohol last night. She stretched, letting a quiet whine fall from her mouth as she felt the cold air meet with her bare chest. Taissa felt a warm breath against the nape of her neck, she rolled over.

"Shit," She cursed and shot up in the bed, clutching at the blanket, "Bill!" She exclaimed, waking him.

Bill's brown eyes fluttered open, his mind going slow with the sight of Taissa in front of him. His mouth dropped open as he took in the shock on her face, the blanket that was held tightly against her chest. He quickly rose, his bleached hair untidy and his bloodshot eyes now panicked.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his tone confused. 

Taissa stared at Bill, taking in his nude tattooed torso, her eyes refusing to travel further down. He stared back at her, his face slightly screwed up and his dark eyebrows furrowed, clearly puzzled. She turned aside taking in the sight of the chaotic bedroom, her clothes left in multiple different places and her shoes. As her eyes searched the room she took notice that she wasn't in the comfort of her bedroom, but rather she was in Bill's hotel bedroom.

She cringed and looked back at him, "What happened?" She asked.

Bill shook his head lightly, "What do you mean?" He moved back, his feelings obviously hurt, "You asked to come back.." He trailed off.

"I just don't understand," She threw her head to the roof, her mind was blurry with moments from last night fading in and out. She could remember the dancing and how awfully close and personal it got on the floor with Bill.

Bill stood from the bed, making his way to his chest of draws, pulling out a pair of boxer shorts and pulling them up, his face still in a gloom. Taissa put her face into her knees, her arms now wrapped around her legs as her headache got stronger, the stress from this situation making it worse. Fragments from last night flashed in her dark mind, the feeling of Bill tracing his finger along her stomach, his hands grabbing tightly onto her thighs, the flick of his tongue against her. She shuddered and looked back up.

"I honestly don't know what to say," She exhaled.

Her mind was deeply disturbed at the thought of going to bed with her childhood best friend, the way he made her feel in the moment and the peaceful sleep they shared. She couldn't help but wonder what the others would think of these circumstances.

"Do the guys know I'm here?" She asked, her eyes locking with Bill's as he made his way back over, a black shirt in his fist. 

"I don't think so," Bill responded truthfully, playing with one of his lip piercings nervously, "Here," He said, passing the shirt to her, his eyes trying to meet hers.

She took the shirt from his hands, immediately throwing it over her head and into it.

"I'm sorry," She apologised, the urge to cry pushing its way through, "I don't want them to know," She confessed, a small whimper falling from her lips.

Bill nodded silently.

Taissa's shoulders trembled gently as a few tears raced down her flushed cheeks, "I'm sorry, this is so stupid," She choked out, embarrassed to be reacting this way. She looked up at Bill, wiping the tears off her face with the back of her hand, "I just don't want things to be different between us,"

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙Where stories live. Discover now