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Taissa linked her arm through Phoebe's, pulling her in close by her elbow with their arms now chained together as they exited the club out into the cold air of the night.

"I can't wait to get into bed," Phoebe slurred, watching as her bare feet moved along the pavement at an unsteady pace. 

Gustav held onto Phoebe's black heels, whilst using his other hand to comfort her back as he followed behind the two girls, watching as Phoebe stumbled along, almost like he was supervising her.

The other three were close behind, although stopped in their tracks, moving out of the way off the sidewalk and quickly forming a circle. Georg stuffed his hands in his pockets as he watched Tom pull out a neon yellow lighter, flicking it on and lighting himself a cigarette. 

Taissa glanced behind her momentarily, noticing the boys had stopped following and smoking amongst one another. She dropped Phoebe's arm, pulling herself away from her and Gustav.

"Hey!" Taissa yelled out, her hands cupped against her mouth. She walked over to them, narrowing her eyes, "Do you know which one is our Uber?" 

Georg pulled his phone out of his jacket's pocket, the bright light of his phone screen flashing against his face, "They're still five minutes away," He said, returning his phone and hands into the warmth of his pockets.

Taissa groaned, "Why are we out here then?" 

Bill flashed her a grin, lifting his lit cigarette and somewhat waving it in her direction. 

"Why am I not surprised?" She asked, rolling her eyes as she entered their small circle. 

"Oh no! Poor Taissa is cold," Georg exclaimed, a smirk protruding on his lips as he teased her.

Taissa scowled at him, shoving him playfully.

Bill quickly leans forward, grabbing ahold of Taissa before she can pull away. He brings his cigarette to his mouth, taking a small draw and blowing it out, the smoke crisp in the cold air.

"Stay," He says, stepping in closer to her.

"It's cold," Taissa whines, her eyes watching Bill, noticing the way he brings himself closer to her, the heat from his body comforting her.

"Here," Bill says, bringing his arm around her shoulder and pulling her in closer to him. Her head rests against his chest, a blush flushes on her cheeks and she avoids the stares from the others.

Tom takes a draw of his cigarette, rolling his eyes at the interaction between them. 

"We're going!" Phoebe suddenly yells out, causing everyone to turn to her.

"We?" Tom shouts back, a smirk on his face.

"He's coming with me" Phoebe shouts out again. 

Gustav sends them a sheepish grin, his hand still comfortable on Phoebe's back.

Tom inhales another puff of smoke, stifling out a short laugh at the same time. 

"Ugh," Taissa groans, stepping towards them.

"Nein," Bill said, "Come stay with us," 

Georg flashes her a toothy grin, "A slumber party," He exclaims playfully, the intoxication clear.

Taissa clicks her tongue, pretending to give this some thought for a moment. As she's pondering with herself, the Uber finally shows up and the front lights of the car flash at them as it approaches. 

Tom blows out his last puff before throwing the cigarette butt on the ground and flattening it under his boot. Tom and Georg walk towards the car, Bill raises his eyebrow at Taissa, his russet eyes focused entirely on her.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙Where stories live. Discover now