Chapter 2: Hootscapades: An Owlfully Wild Adventure!

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"Did you ever want a child?" Camila asked, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and sadness.

Eda shifted her gaze from the bustling scenery around them to the woman sitting next to her on the bench just outside of the hospital. She had rushed to pick up Camila after receiving the devastating news. Camila had chosen not to have Manny accompany her, as she wasn't ready to tell him the heartbreaking news just yet. Instead, she had turned to Eda, the only person she felt comfortable confiding in.

"It's not something I've considered," Eda responded, her tone laced with a hint of regret.

Camila's eyes drifted downward, her expression marred by a frown. Eda knew she had shared a half-truth with Camila, carefully omitting the magical aspects of her own life. She had opened up about her strained relationship with her family, leaving Camila to fill in the gaps based on her own assumptions. Although Eda was aware of Camila's genuine nature. The woman was too nice to assume anything about anyone, always believing in the best.

Silence hung between them, leaving Eda at a loss for words. She knew she had misspoke in that vulnerable moment. Searching for a way to ease the tension, Eda tentatively asked, "What would you name your future child?" hoping it wasn't an intrusive question.

A glimmer of wistfulness flickered across Camila's face as she mustered a small, sad smile. "I've always loved the name Luz. If I had a baby girl, I'd name her that."

Eda's own smile softened at the choice of name. "Luz... it means 'light,' right?"

Camila nodded, her eyes brimming with emotion. "Your Spanish is improving," she teased with a small laugh.

Eda chuckled, grateful for the momentary respite she had provided. "I try," she replied, appreciating the brief exchange of levity.

But Camila's smile faded, replaced once again by the weight of her sorrow. "How am I going to tell Manny that I've lost yet another pregnancy?" she whispered, her voice heavy with anguish.

Eda reached out to grasp Camila's hand, offering her a reassuring squeeze. "We'll figure it out together. You don't have to face this alone," she reassured her friend, determined to be a pillar of support in Camila's time of need.


"Eda?" Luz waved her hand in front of Eda's face, concern etched on her face. "Are you alright?"

That name.


That was the name that Camila always wanted to name a daughter if she had one. That was the name that I am almost certain that she would have picked for my- 

Eda's mind had been momentarily transported back to a time she had tried so hard to forget. The name Luz had triggered memories of Camila, the woman who had always dreamed of naming a daughter Luz. 

Eda stopped herself there. That child wasn't hers. She had given up that right when she dropped the baby off on Camila's doorstep with zero explanation and left like a fucking coward. She had decided never to go check on her child (Camila and Manny's child, Eda corrected herself). It was no longer her right to see the half-human, half-witch girl after what she had done.

"Eda?" Luz asked louder that time.

Snapping out of her trance, Eda blinked and refocused her attention on Luz, the human who had unwittingly brought back those forgotten memories. She couldn't let Luz see her vulnerability; she had to push those thoughts aside and put on a brave face.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Eda forced a smile, masking her inner turmoil. There was a slight tremor in her voice, but she hoped Luz wouldn't notice.

With a feigned enthusiasm, Eda added, "Let's go!" Hoping to distract herself, she urged them to continue their journey towards the Conformatorium.

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