Chapter 7: A Hootfully Owlful Curse

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Luz followed Eda's gaze upward, her eyes drawn to the darkening sky. The approaching evening and the thick, dark clouds above cast a gloomy shadow over the landscape, and Luz couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. She had hoped to witness the sunset from atop the knee, nestled in the cozy cave by the crackling fire. It would have been the perfect vantage point to admire the sprawling isle below. But her hopes were dashed as thick clouds rolled in, steadily obscuring the view.

"Hm..." Eda pondered, her brows furrowing. "We better get going. I don't want to be caught here when that storm hits."

Eda pointed towards the ominous storm clouds, their dark mass growing larger by the minute.

"What if it rains?" King asked, his voice laced with concern, as he sat near the crackling fire.

"Rain? I love the rain! Feeling those first few drops on my skin is-," Luz exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement, but she was cut off. Before she could finish her gleeful rant, she was abruptly cut off by a sharp pain on her head. Rubbing the spot where Eda had whacked her with her staff once again, Luz hissed, "Why do you stop doing that!"

"The rain here is nothing like in the human realm, kid," Eda explained, her tone tinged with a hint of concern. "The rain on the Boiling Isles... well, it boils. It'll burn your skin right off."

"We don't exactly have nice weather here. We have plagues, gorenadoes, shale hail, and even painbows," Eda listed off, her voice filled with a strange mix of amusement and caution.

"It's like a rainbow, but looking at it will turn you inside out!" King chimed in, his eyes sparkling with humour.

Luz pulled her coat hood over her head, seeking shelter within its safety. "What about the potion?" she asked, a tinge of disappointment in her voice. She had put so much effort into gathering the ingredients and she didn't want it all to go to waste.

"Bring it. We'll finish it at the Owl House, either tonight or tomorrow," Eda reassured her, turning to gather the rest of their belongings.

Luz nodded, quickly gathering the ingredients she had managed to collect and stuffing them into her bag. King scrambled up her shoulder, using her as a springboard to jump into Eda's wild, untamed hair, seeking warmth and comfort.

"Got everything?" Eda asked, her voice filled with urgency, as she extinguished the fire with a swift water spell.

Luz nodded, her heart yearning for a swift flight back to the Owl House. She wanted to finish the potion tonight, not wait until tomorrow.

"Alright, hop on!" Eda beckoned, her voice filled with determination.

Luz wasted no time, hopping on behind Eda, her bag securely on her back, and King nestled in Eda's wild hair. With a sense of anticipation, they set off into the darkening sky.

As they descended towards the knee, Luz couldn't help but observe her surroundings. The darkness seemed to intensify, and the air grew warmer, but also more oppressive. The murky atmosphere signaled an imminent downpour.

Eda hit her staff roughly, sensing the change in the air as well. "Faster, you! We need to get back as soon as possible!"

Luz shuffled nervously behind Eda, feeling a tinge of anxiety in Eda's voice.

In an attempt to distract herself, Luz glanced around. Through the ever-growing clouds and fog, she caught glimpses of the towering treetops, creating an eerie yet captivating sight.

Minutes passed, and Luz strained her eyes to make out the town beneath them as they approached the hip. Just as they made their descent, a searing pain prickled at Luz's skin. She looked up to see that the clouds had opened up, releasing a torrent of raindrops.

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