Chapter 10: Talons of Doubt

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Eda's heart raced as she watched over Luz's broken body lying on the bed in the dimly lit healer's room. The aftermath of the intense witch's duel had left Luz battered and broken.

Eda couldn't bear to see her like this, her body covered in painful burns and her bones broken. After the witch's duel was over and Luz had collapsed, she desperately picked Luz up and ran her out of the covention hall. 

However, her desperate escape was halted by the presence of her dear sister that blocked her path.

Eda's frustration and anxiety boiled over, her voice laced with anger as she growled at Lilith, "Move it, Lilith! I'm not in the mood right now." Her pointed ears twitched in response to her rising panic and anger, and her fangs were barely concealed as a warning.

Lilith remained eerily calm, devoid of all emotion, making it difficult for Eda to decipher her true intentions. "I know," Lilith replied, her voice steady. "She won't be safe with any mere healer around here. Follow me, we will take her to one that I know."

Eda hesitated, her trust in Lilith hanging by a thread. Her sister had made her disdain for Luz all too clear just hours ago, and now she was offering help. Suspicion clouded Eda's mind as she questioned Lilith's motives, "This better not be some trap to have me join the Emperor's Coven."

Lilith let out a weary sigh, her tone tinged with genuine concern. She reached out a caring hand towards her sister, her touch soft and comforting. "Edalyn," Lilith pleaded, her voice filled with sincerity. "I promise you, that will not be the case this one time. This thing... human," Lilith quickly corrected herself, "clearly means a lot to you. Let me help you just this once. If you take her to the wrong person, her secret could be exposed, and we both know the consequences."

Eda reluctantly nodded, silently acknowledging the truth in Lilith's words. 

With a mix of hope and trepidation, Eda allowed her sister to guide the way, praying that Lilith's intentions were genuine. Its much as she hated to admit it, she knew that Lilith's help was their only chance at saving Luz. Still though, Eda couldn't shake the feeling that she might come to regret her decision. But for Luz's sake, she was willing to take that leap of faith.

Eda let out a heavy sigh as she slumped into the chair beside Luz's bedside. The moment they had arrived at the healer's ward, Luz had been taken away from her for an extensive healing session. Eda had to reluctantly shared Luz's medical history, or rather, the lack thereof. She didn't know anything about Luz. It came up when the healers had raised eyebrows at the distinct absence of a bile sac, prompting Eda to reveal that Luz was human. To her surprise, a quick word from Lilith ensured that this sensitive information would remain confined within the walls of the ward, due to the fear of Lilith's wrath.

Since then, two excruciatingly long days had passed, during which Eda was forbidden from being near Luz. The only solace she received was occasional visits from the healers, who would offer updates on Luz's slow progress. They explained the challenges they faced in healing her. The burns were particularly severe, leaving the healers uncertain if Luz would emerge from this ordeal unscathed, or if she would ever be able to be herself again.

With each update, Eda felt the owl beast within her clawing at the corners of her mind. There had been a moment when Lilith had to physically restrain Eda from attacking one of the healers, who had unknowingly been splattered with Luz's blood. The mere thought of Luz's blood being spilled sent waves of rage pulsating through Eda's veins.

She hated it. And her sister.


 It was Lilith who had to be the responsible one, the one who could do more to help Luz. This realization only fueled Eda's frustration, knowing that she herself was utterly useless in that moment. Even Lilith, who had previously shown disdain for Luz, seemed to be playing a more significant role in her dau... 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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