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ʚ ♡ ɞ

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ʚ ɞ

this story starts in the third grade when you met kei. he was a year older but became your friend anyway.

fast forward 5 years, him and your older sister, amerie start dating. at first you had no problem with it. i mean my sister and best friend? that's awesome!

but you realized you had feelings for him. why couldn't you have realized it before he went and dated her? you of course would never do anything to harm your sister so you kept your feelings in check.

instead you did what you always do when you had strong crushes. you wrote letters. there's three in particular that you've never been able to get over.

first is kei, you developed feelings for him in 8th grade.
second is todoroki, you met him in 6th grade. the crush started out of nowhere, you also kissed him during a 7th grade party.
the third one is hawks. what can i say? he's just attractive as hell.

back to present you though. you got accepted into u.a by recommendations since your father was the number 6 hero.

his quirk uses sun rays. he can use the rays and attack enemies from far away or up close. his weakness is night time but he's trained hard to conquer it.

your quirk is your dads and moms combined. her quirk was reflection. anything that came at her she'd reflect it back, so kinda like a mirror. you and your sisters don't know much more of her quirk because she passed when you were 5.

it's just you, your dad, older and younger sister.

to celebrate you getting into u.a and your sister going to college. your dad made a celebratory dinner, and kei was coming.

"hey y/n!" you look up from your book and see your little sisters annoyed face.

"yes brat?" she rolls her eyes at the nickname you have for her.

"dad says to come down for dinner!" your older sister yells from the top of the stairs.

"i hate when dad cooks food from moms recipe book.. it always tastes weird." your younger sister pouted.

"kat! you know dad tries his best. what do we say whenever we eat the food?" your older sister questions.

kat scoffs but replies none the less. "just like moms.. even do i was only drinking her breastmilk." your younger sister walks away as you laugh and your older sister tsks. you hear the doorbell ring.

"i'll get it!" you run out the room and downstairs.

as soon as you open the door you see kei's smile. "yoooo! what's up n/n?" you smile back.

"nothing much kei, come on dinners ready." he follows behind and helps your older sister, with setting the table.

your dad takes out the turkey he made and starts attempting to cut it.

"hey dad! i'll go get the electric knife it'll have that cut in a jiffy! be right back." your older sister walks out the dining room.

your father nods. "what am i gonna do without her?"

"we're all gonna miss her dad! but at least we'll see her in two months!" your younger sister states.

your dad laughs nervously. "well honey.. it's actually more. she won't be coming home until december."

"WHAT! we won't see her until december!!??" you yell.

your older sister walks back in the room. "it's done! what did you guys talk about while i was gone?"

kei smiled at her. "just about how you're gonna be gone for a long while and well.. i got plane tickets to go see you in england!"

"look at kei stepping up!" your dad clapped.

"uhm.. did you already pay for these?" your older sister asked hesitantly.

kei's face soured. "uh, well yeah." you swore the tension could be cut with a knife. just then your younger sister spoke up.

"mmm, just like moms...." she chewed on the hard turkey.

after that awkward dinner your older sister and kei fought outside. something about "why did you do that in front of them?" and "i love you's ." the usual in couples fights.

5 minutes later your sister came in with red eyes.

"hey.. is everything all right?" you patted the space beside you.

your sister sat on your bed with a sigh. "yeah i just.. broke up with kei."


"shh y/n, not so loud."

"okay okay, but uh why?"

"well you know, mom always told me not to go to college with a boyfriend and i stand by that." she looked into your eyes before sighing dramatically.

"listen y/n, i know i'm not going to some fancy hero agency like you. i just wasn't cut out for that life, but i'm glad you're following in our parents footsteps. just please,, be safe."

you looked at her then at your little sister who was peaking through the crack in the door. "kat, stop spying and come in here."

she giggled and walked in. "you guys stay close okay? take care of eachother." your older sister hugged the both of y'all and walked out the door.

that night you didn't sleep a wink.


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hmm.. first chap what do u think?

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