Chapter 1 - Return Me Back

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Chapter 1 - Return Me Back Monday

Clark woke up early this time, it was only 4am, so he had plenty of time to take a shower and eat. While showering, his phone emitted a soft, melodic chime. A text from Ledet Markoval, He then quickly grabs his phone even though there is still a shampoo on his head. He then read the text.

"Ready for the proposal Later?"

Clark couldn't help but laugh before composing his reply, he just loves to annoy Ledet with his Corny Jokes.

"Are you planning to propose, Miss Markoval?"

Clark and Ledet have known each other since high school. Ledet was the person who encouraged Clark to go out and have fun, always dragging him along wherever she wanted to go. They used to spend a lot of time exploring places, especially abandoned houses near their area. Ledet had a fascination with ghosts and the supernatural, and horror movies were her thing. Clark wasn't initially accustomed to this type of enjoyment, but the more time they spent together, the more he grew accustomed to Ledet's adventurous spirit. Clark admired Ledet's ability to find joy even in the darkest times.

However, Clark had once lost his own ability to embrace fun and excitement when his grandmother lost all her memories. It hurt Clark to know that eventually, she would erase all the fun memories they had together, just like his grandmother had said, "Peace is temporary in this world." She had been his source of peace, representing the promising life he could never truly attain. Despite this, Clark continued to live his life for his grandmother and for himself, aspiring to achieve lasting peace.

Clark and Ledet enjoyed playing detectives, trying to solve every crime documentary that crossed their path. It was their unique bond, and she was also the reason that Clark drinks beer.

Ledet's Response came in the form of a middle finger emoji, to which Clark replied one last time,

"I was just kidding, of course I am ready. You'll never guess what I did yesterday."

He closed his phone and proceeded to get ready for the day. After finishing his shower, he dried himself off with a towel and put on fresh clothes. Glancing at the clock, he realized he still had some time before he needed to leave for work. With the extra time at hand, he decided to review his PowerPoint presentation while having breakfast.

After completing his meal, Clark went over his proposal once again. Nervousness engulfed him as he imagined himself presenting the report later. Becoming a Team Manager was a significant leap for him. He and Ledet had studied business and entrepreneurship together, and he had confidence in his abilities in ideation, business planning, financing, and management.

Checking the time once more, Clark noticed that it was already 7:10. He realized he needed to leave soon to avoid rushing to work and arriving all sweaty. Remembering his embarrassing incident from the previous day, he let out a heavy sigh.

As Clark made his way towards the underground parking to get to his car, a disturbing sight caught his attention. He witnessed a woman being inappropriately touched. The news about women, including young girls, being victims of rape and kidnapping in New Orleans flashed through his mind. The thought of the woman being harmed or worse due to his inaction initially caused him to hesitate. Assessing the situation, he discreetly checked the man for any weapons, relieved to find that he had none. Summoning his courage, he approached the scene.

Clark gained confidence and Quickly walked up to the man. He shouted, "Hey, what are you doing?" The man looked shocked and taken aback by Clark's sudden appearance, but he didn't let go of the woman.

"Let her go, She clearly doesn't want you," Clark said firmly, trying to defuse the situation. "I will call the police" Clark pulled the phone from his pocket.

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