Chapter 7 - Return Me Back

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Ledet saw him and excused herself to help them. "Let me help you two," she offered.

"No, it's fine. It's not that heavy, I can manage," Jereck insisted.

"Hey, Clark." Jack said. But Clark ignored him.

"Why is he here?" Clark put down the box. "You said you don't know each other." He whispered to Ledet.

"Clark, let's go inside first," Ledet said, grabbing his hand.

Jereck finished carrying the box inside. "I need to go now," he said, heading back out the door.

"Alright, thanks, bro. Take care," Clark said, but his eyes remained focused on Jack. 'How did he know Ledet's place?' He thought. Clark knew she was lying; she just couldn't tell him.

"Take care," Jereck said, and then he left.

Clark headed inside, and Ledet stayed for a minute to talk to Jack. She probably told Jack to go home since he didn't come in.

"So?" Clark crossed his arms.

"He just passed by, Clark, and he saw me outside the building. And..."

"Don't lie, Ledet. I need you to tell me the truth," Clark interrupted, not letting her finish her sentence. He knew she had been lying.

"I'm not lying, Clark," Ledet said, looking down at her feet. She shifted uncomfortably. "He called out to me, and we talked for a bit. That's all, I promise." She looked up at him, her eyes pleading for him to believe her.

"Yes, you are. You know what? The day we saw each other, he said to me that I need to tell you that he is sorry. What does that mean, Ledet? What does 'sorry' mean? From him to you."

Ledet sighed and looked down, hesitating before finally speaking. "We dated in college... our first year."

"Why did you hide this from me? It's not that big of a deal."

"I told him we dated, Clark," Ledet said nervously, looking down at the ground.

"What? What do you mean?" Clark asked in disbelief, his heart racing with confusion.

Ledet hung her head low, and her voice quivered with regret as she spoke. "That is why he used to bully you, it's because of me, and I am sorry about that. And I did not tell you because I was scared that you would leave me, and he would have a chance to be in my life again." She looked up at him with a look of sadness and remorse in her eyes, hoping for forgiveness.

"You are being selfish," Clark started, but she cut him off.

"Selfish? I know, and I am very sorry that I used you to get away from him. He attempted to rape me, Clark, and he always comes back to me telling me he is sorry, but I know he can't be trusted."

Clark was hurt to know that she was also a victim of this attempted rape happening in St. Louis

"I understand you, Ledet, but it's not because of that. It's not because you are using me. You are being selfish because you didn't tell me your problem. We've been friends since high school, we should have told each other's problems, and I could help you more, Ledet. You could have told me."

"I know, I was scar..." Ledet tried to explain, but Clark cut her off.

"Scared, I know. Everyone would feel the same, but you should know that some of our problems can't be solved on our own. You could have asked for my help."

"I'm sorry, Clark. I should have told you. I didn't want to burden you with my problems."

"You're not a burden to me. You're my friend, and I care about you. We're in this together, and we'll get through it together. But you have to promise me that you'll tell me everything from now on, okay?" He hugged her.

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