Chapter Two

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Lucy's POV:

I take one last look at everyone and wave, in a way I feel sorry that it has to end this way but I'm also relived. Vance however won't like this.

"Can we stop at my place and grab a few things?" I ask.

"Of course we can Luc." McGee tells me as he hugs me. We all get into the car and start to head to my apartment.

"Its good to have you back Lucy." Tony says to me.

"I'm not back Tony... Vance won't sign off on it."

"Why won't he sign off on letting you come back?" Ziva asks. I couldn't answer that... I didn't want too. I didn't want them to know about me and Gibbs.

"It's complicated..." The ride to my apartment wasn't long, it was only a few minutes. When we finally reached my apartment the team was eager to see inside. The only person who saw the inside of my place was Gibbs. But as we reach I noticed my door was kicked in.

"Wait here." Gibbs says. Gibbs and Ziva go in to clear my apartment while McGee and Tony stay with me. They come back out moments later.

"Its safe.. whoever it was trashed your apartment." Ziva says, I run into my place and find everything ruined. My living room wasn't so bad but my bedroom was horrible.

"They came looking for something it seems like." Tony says. I walk into my room wondering what they came looking for. I don't understand who would do this... why would anyone want to stalk me.

"I'll only be a few minutes, I just need to grab some clothes and personal items." I walk into my closet and start to pack.

"What happened to you clothes Luc?" Gibbs asked me.

"Few months after Vance transferred me out I just didn't feel like myself. So I changed... don't worry though I still have all my clothes packed away. Some are stored somewhere else too but don't worry I'll be okay." I pull out the suitcases that contain my clothes then I walk into the bathroom and pack what I think I will need.

"We'll get these into the car." Tony says as McGee and Ziva help. I tell them I have one more thing to grab and then we can leave. I can't leave without my pictures, I hid the pictures underneath the floor boards in the living room. I take out my knife from my handbag and loosen the floor board. I can hear Gibbs laugh a bit.

"What?" I say to him.

"Rule number nine."

"Never go anywhere without a knife." I lift up the floor board and and grab a metal box.

"So what's in the box?" Gibbs asks me.

"Pictures... pictures of us and the team." I tell him.

"I have them in here to keep them safe... Gibbs what do you think they were looking for?" I ask him.

"I'm not sure Luc but we'll figure it out." He reassures me.

We all get into the car, I look out the window not paying attention to where we were going. Wondering what everyone at the B.A.U is doing now that I'm not there... am I still working there? 

"Come one Lucy we're here." I hear Tony say to me. I'm brought out of my train of thought and notice that we are at N.C.I.S.. a small smile forms on my face. We all walk in all of us cram into the elevator, when the doors open there stood Director Vance. He had an unhappy look on his face.

"My office now." He says. I only assume he's talking to Gibbs and I. The three of us walk to his office and their stood Hotch, Rossi, Reid, Garcia, Morgan, JJ and Prentiss. 

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