Chapter Four

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Lucy's POV:

After Abby, Ziva and I were done shopping we had to go to N.C.I.S. I wanted to go today to talk to Vance about me coming back. When the doors to the elevator open I can see Tony, McGee and Gibbs all at there desks. Abby and Ziva semi run to them all as I make my way to Vance's office. I could feel their eyes watching me. I make it to Vance's office and I wait to be seen by him and seconds later he opens the door to his office.

"I was wondering when you'd show up." He says. We both head into his office.

"I've made my decision." I tell him.

"And what's that Miss. Heart." He says to me.

"I'd like to come back to N.C.I.S sir." A smile grew on his face.

"I knew that from the moment you stepped back into my office." He opens one of his drawer in his desk and pull out my I.D and badge. 

"Welcome back Heart." He says to me with a smile. I take my I.D and badge from him and leave his office. As I leave his office I look over at everyone's desks and everyone is there. Gibbs, Tony, Ziva, Abby, Ducky and Jimmy. I walk closer and closer to them, I stand right in front of Gibbs. 

"So!" Abby say with excitement. I slowly pull out my I.D and give it to Gibbs. He opens it and straight away he pulls me into a hug.

"I knew you would come back." He says to me. He lets me go and when everyone sees my I.D one by one they all hug me.

"Welcome back my dear." Ducky tells me.

"Thank you Ducky. Now all I need to do is turn in my gun and badge to Hotch." I say.

"Allow me to escort you-" Tony tries to say but is stopped by Gibbs.

"No, you all stay here." He says and he starts to head out and I quickly follow him.

"Hey, wait up." I say trying to catch up with him. Were both now in the elevator with in a quick second he stops the elevator and pulls me in for a kiss.

"I'm so glad your back." He says to me.

"I can tell." I say with giggle. He flips the switch and the elevator continues to move. We reach his car and get in. 

"Vance never gave me my gun back." 

"That's because I have it." Gibbs says to me. I couldn't help but smile.

"What else of mine did you keep?" I ask him. As I look at him a smile grew on his face. The whole way to the B.A.U I tried to get him to tell me what else he kept of mine but he wouldn't tell me. The both of us smiling and laughing.

"Now would you look at that we're here." He says. I laugh, we make our way inside the both of us wait in the elevator for the doors to open. This would be the last time entering this place. The doors open and yet again as Gibbs and I walk in everyone looks at us.

"Hi Lucy!" Spencer says to me.

"Hi Spencer." I say back with a smile. Gibbs and I head up to Hotch's office, I knock on the door.

"Come in." I hear him say.

"Heart and I see you brough Special Agent Gibbs with you. What can I do for you both." He asks. I take my badge and gun and put it on his desk.

"I'm sorry but I've made my choice. I come by another time to clean out my desk." And that was the last thing I said to him.

"I win." Gibbs says as we both leave the room. I stop by Rossi's office to see if he was in there.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Hey kid, I see you've made your choice." He said to me. I walk into his office with Gibbs behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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