Chapter Three

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Lucy's POV:

"No one is going to hurt you Luc. Not while I'm around." Gibbs says to me. Knowing Gibbs he means that, makes me smile knowing that he cares for all of us. 

"You know I really did miss you." Gibbs says to me.

"I know." I reply back to him.

We spend the majority of the night catching up and eating pizza. He asked if I still danced in my free time, I told him I don't anymore. Being at the B.A.U you travel a lot and I don't really have time for that anymore.

"But you love dancing Luc."

"I know but I just don't have time for it anymore." We semi argue about me about me going back to dancing. It was fun, I missed these small arguments we used to have. Few minutes later he gave up.

"Okay, okay you win." He says with a small laugh.

"I'll think about it how about that." 

"Deal, wait here I'll be right back." He rush's off to go get something. He then comes back with his polaroid camera I yet again smile. We cuddle, he holds his arm up as he gets ready to take the picture I kiss him on the cheek. He then takes the picture.

"This one I'm keeping." He tells me.

~The next day~

I wake up wrapped in Gibbs's arms, everything is perfect until a someone knocks on the door.

"I'll get it." I tell him but he stops me.

"No I will."

"Please Gibbs what person in their right mind would try to kidnap me while your here." He rolls his eyes and we both get up too see who's at the door. When we finally reach the door standing there was Abby and Ziva, I couldn't help but laugh. Gibbs opens the door and lets them in.

"Lucy!" Abby shouts as she runs in giving me a hug.

"Hi Abby, how are you?" I ask her.

"I'm great, how are you?"

"I'm great, I thought we could do some shopping." She says with a smile on her face.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. Let me get ready." I head upstairs to get ready.

" I head upstairs to get ready

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(What she is wearing)

(What she is wearing)

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