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Long ways from Earth, three astronauts have found their way to Pluto's moon Herberos. The moon's surface was icy but dry as dirt. There was nothing but endless uneven layers of ice to and from every direction. The astronauts crowded around a mechanical drill that they had set out, not too far away from their rover truck. The drill dug into the foreign ground and pulled out a sample of the ground.

"Easy, son." The older astronaut, the Senior Science Officer and Commander of the mission said to the crew mate who was removing the sample from the drill. "This ice is delicate."

"Amazing. Isn't this exciting, Shiro?" The young astronaut moved his eyes from the cylinder of ice towards the third member who was holding the drill.

"You guys get a little more excited about ice samples than I do." Shiro, the tallest among them, chuckled and a small smile could be seen through his helmet.

"This is history in the making," the older astronaut said in amazement. "Not only have we traveled farther than any human ever has, but this ice could hold microscopic clues about the existence of life outside Earth." His son finished taking out the sample the drill had collected. "Think of it, Dad," the younger turned to his father, "We could use those clues to become the first people to meet aliens."

"My life's work would be complete."

Before any of them could fantasize about what this mission could bring to their futures, the ground began to rumble and quake, as the three were finishing packing the first sample.

"What is that?" the Commander asked as the drill shook before them. "Seismic activity?"

Shiro immediately stopped holding the drill and made his way quickly towards his crewmates. "We should get back to the ship-" Before he could even finish his sentence a shadow crossed over the ice and the group.

As the crew looked above them they all lost breath at the sight before them. A ship, large and sharp, hovered over them. Its front tall and curved inward and the bottom protruding outwards, almost resembled a dark purple boot with menacing glowing purple eyes at the top. The rest of the ship was long and smaller in size and connected to the wings of the shape that were placed at the larger back. The whole thing was dark purple and had lines or windows that glowed purple along the sides. This large and powerful ship that none of the three humans on kerberos nor any humans at all have seen before.

"What? What is that?" the eldest watched, shocked as the ship grew closer, flying lower. "It...can't be."

Shiro watched the ship advance towards them in the same shock as his fellows until he saw a light begin to grow at the top of the ship and he snapped out his daze. He grabbed his partners and began dragging them. "Run! Come on, run!" The two followed his lead, the youngest dropping the sample, and rushing away as the top of the alien ship glowed and a sphere of purple light formed, growing larger and larger. A red beam was fired out of the sphere onto the group. Suddenly, the ground, their truck, and all their equipment went flying upwards towards the ship. The crew began to scream as their feet left the ground.


"Emperor Zarkon. We were scouting System X9Y as ordered when we found these private scientists." Shiro began to stir as he picked up on the voices. He opened his eyes, vision clearing, and immediately shot upwards, head heavy despite not wearing his helmet anymore.

The pilot was on his knees on the metal floor and his hands were tied behind his back. Looking to his side he found his two crewmates, helmets still on and seemingly unconscious. More concerningly, there were guards at their backs. The guards covered head to toe in metal and the armor was rough and sharp. They were armed with guns. It was appropriate to assume that there was one behind him as well. The voices that he heard were coming from that stood little ways in front of him. The man before him couldn't have been human. He was wearing armor and standing in front of brightly lit controls and speaking to a silhouette through a screen. The man before him though was...purple. His entire body was covered up in sharp rough armor with the exception of his head, which was a pale purple matching the dark purple of his small mohawk.

"I don't think they know anything useful." The purple man stated to whoever was on the other side of the screen.

"Take them back to the main fleet for interrogation." A deep, ridged voice spoke from the screen. "The druids will find out what they know."

"Please," Shiro begged, eyes snapping from his companions towards the purple man. "We come from a peaceful planet. We mean you no harm! We're unarmed!--PUHH!" The guard that was behind him slammed their gun into his back, knocking him down to the ground and pushing him into unconsciousness.


Shiro was roused by loud banging noises. When he opened his eyes he found himself being dragged along the floor of a dark corridor that was lit with green light. In front of him was a soldier or guard similar to that of before carrying one of his crew. Now that he had a closer look Shiro noticed that places like the eye line and a line across the chest plate were glowing red.

Shiro groaned in pain. Shiro could barely focus and the constant sounds only made it worse. They were passing doors and doors and Shiro began to realize that those banging sounds were coming from there and the noises were crys. Whispers followed him as he was lugged passed.

"Look, they brought in another one."

"Who is it?"

"Over there. It's another one."

"Huh,"He groaned again, he turned to the side and looked through a window. The outside view was an endless amount of similar windows and more windows going up and down endlessly, the echoes of yells. So many halls and so many cells. The look of realization of their current situation was replaced with the look of pure terror in his eyes.


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