Chapter 3

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"Lights out in five! Everyone back in their dorms, now!"

All the cadets who were at the library, student lounge and the hallways heard similar variations of this message from the threatening figure of Commander Iverson, who wore a scowl that promises severe punishment to anyone who disobeys . It took only 5 minutes for every student to return to their dorms for the night. The lights of the hallways were beginning to turn off and only the footsteps of the teachers and guards could be heard.

Well not just their footsteps.

"We shouldn't be doing this," Hunk whispers to Lance nervously as they crouched behind a wall making sure the coast is clear .

"You heard Commander Iverson. We need to bond as a team. We're going to grab Pidge, hit the town, loosen up, meet some nice girls-" The lights turned off in their hallway signaling that they were officially breaking curfew.

"Okay okay, I'm just saying this here, right now, on the record. This is a bad idea." Lance ignored him and set off jogging down the hallway, turning the corner, Hunk closely following behind him. They made their way through the corridors, keeping a lookout for personnel as they slowly made their way to the Pidge's dorm hallway.

"You know, for someone in a space exploration program, you don't have much of a sense of adventure." Lance whispered as he ducked under the window of the teacher's lounge.

"All of your little adventure's end up with me in the principal's office." Hunk reminded Lance as they skulked under the window. Hunk gulped as he looked at his teachers, only a few feet away from spotting him and his friend. "Oh that's an exaggeration. Plus you gotta have fun sometime."

"Yeah you said that about dumping confetti over Mr. Montgomery's head for April Fools and the entire bucket fell onto him."

"An unfortunate malfunction no one accounted for-And I gave him an 'I'm sorry card'!" Lance hissed back.

They continued through the halls dodging guards they came across by hiding. During one desperate moment, the two jumped into recycling bins. Hunk struggled immensely to get out of his bin. At last, they reached Pidge's room, but before they could go up and knock on the door it swung open. Panicking, Lance pushed Hunk and himself back around the corner, peeking around just in time to see their team member, backpack on his back, running in the opposite direction.

"Where is he going?" Lance asked, eyes narrowing.


On the roof of the Garrison, Pidge sat on the ground with his headphones on listening to electronic beeps and static coming from his monitors. Lance took this opportunity to sneak up behind him, lifting one of the headphones up slowly.

"You come up here to rock out?"

"Gahh!" Pidge jumped back, but calmed down when he recognized the guy in front of him. "Oh," he said, blinking, trying to catch her breath. "Lance, Hunk. No, um, just looking at the stars." He splits out flusteredly.

Pidge was short and slim as a toothpick. He wore round wire-framed glasses and his light brown hair was short and untamed, spiking upwards in the back and bangs falling into his face. He donned a baggy, hoodless sweatshirt that had white sleeves and green shoulders, as well as gray shorts and white and orange sneakers. Surrounding where he sat was his backpack, a monitor, his computer, a satellite dish, all of which were connected to a power box.

"Yo, where'd you get this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech."

"I built it." Pidge smugly stated.

"You built all of this?" Hunk reaches out his hand to touch the monitor, but Pidge slapped his hand away.

"Hey, stop it! With this thing, I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system." Pidge said to Lance.

"That right? All the way to Kerberos?" Pidge's smile faded at the mention of the satellite and his eyes trained down.

"You go ballistic every time the instructors bring it up." Lance says. "What's your deal?"

"Second warning, Hunk!" Pidge yelled at the big guy who was creeping over to the satellite dish of Pidge's equipment.

"Look, Pidge, if we're going to bond as a team, we can't have any secrets." Lance said accusingly.

"Fine." Pidge turned to face the brunette. "The world as you know it is about to change. The Kerberos Mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake-stop touching my equipment!" Hunk groaned and slumped on the ground disappointedly. "So," Pidge continued. "I've been scanning the system...and picking up alien radio chatter."

"Whoa. What?" Hunk shot up from his slug-like position. "Aliens?"

"Okay. So you're insane. Got it." Lance sighed.

"I'm serious." Pidge turned to Lance. "They keep repeating one word, 'Voltron,' and tonight, it's going crazier than I ever heard it."

"How crazy?" Before Pidge even had the opportunity to explain, alarms began blaring.

"Attention, students," the PA system blared all throughout the Garrison. "This is not a drill. We are on lockdown! Security situation Zulu Niner. Repeat. All students are to remain in barracks until further notice."

"What's going on?" Hunk asked, standing up. Suddenly he looked up towards the sky, eyes growing impossibly wide, and pointed. "Is that a meteor?"

In the dark, blue sky, there shone a bright orange light that was growing bigger and bigger as it advanced closer to the Earth's surface.

"A very, very big meteor?"

Pidge grabbed his binoculars. "It's a ship." Lance snatched the binoculars from Pidge to take a look. "HOLY CROW! I can't believe what I'm seeing! That's definitely not one of ours."

"No," Pidge says, "It's one of theirs."

"So, wait." Hunk looked about ready to start screaming. "There really are aliens out there?"

The ship passed through the sky, light shone onto the cadets' astonished faces as it flew by and crashed into the rocks not even half a mile away from the Garrison. The Garrison's official armored vehicles had already started to drive off in the direction of this phenomenon.

"We've got to see that ship!" Pidge threw on his backpack and ran to the doors of the roof, Lance quickly following.

"Hunk, come on!" Lance yelled back and Hunk sighed.

"Oh, this is the worst team-building exercise ever."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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