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Xu Yang trudged up the stairs from the underground train station, he nearly tripped as another suited man bolted straight past him, disappearing into the station. Cursing under his breath, he walked onwards. His coat felt heavy on him. He dreaded to think of the grime that may have accumulated on his coat over his hour-long train ride to work.

 He dreaded to think of the grime that may have accumulated on his coat over his hour-long train ride to work

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Cloud Recesses Ltd. stood shining, tall and proud, straight ahead in his vision. It was a marvelous building designed by a renowned architect, made of glass and metal. The very symbol of wealth. Watching the building loom as he walked towards it, he felt his posture straighten. Shouldn't he indulge in some of that pride? After-all, he worked at Pierce & Pierce.

He strode in confidence through the revolving doors and flashed the doorman his patented warm and welcoming smile. 

"Good Morning!"

"Morning, Mr. Xu Yang! Bad weather today huh?" the doorman smiled back radiantly.

"Oh tell me about it!" Xu Yang quipped and laughed, not slowing down as he headed straight for the elevators.

As he swiped his entry card at the gantry to the lift lobby, he heard raucous laughter. A group of men had gathered at the lift lobby, waiting for the next elevator.

"And he said he didn't even know what formalism meant!" a short man in a smart dark gray suit guffawed at the joke he made.

There were four. All in impeccably tailored suits. The materials looked soft yet heavy, characteristic of expensive fabric. Like they were plucked from unearthly sheep, spun by hand and woven into durable outerwear by reputable craftsmen. Their shoes shone with a dull luster, tastefully made from leather of the best quality. And they smelled-Xu Yang thought- otherworldly. Colognes that cost an arm and a leg. Xu Yang's face contorted with jealousy.

"What a bore, you must know formalism is not even the most noteworthy technique of critique in literature," the tallest of them quipped, his tone full of sardonicism.

"What's hilarious to me is that you know what it is, yet stand staunchly by it," his lips moved into a sly smile. He tilted his head to observe the man in gray.

The other suited men chortled at his comment, effectively laughing at the man in gray. Xu Yang watched the exchange, not too far away. The rich really were different. The tall man's gaze shifted to meet Xu Yang's. 

"Xu Yang, our favorite poet," Xu Yang heard muffled giggles as the tall man continued, "perhaps you can shed some light on the matter."

"Good morning, Mr

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"Good morning, Mr. Lan Wangji!" Xu Yang spoke with rehearsed enthusiasm, "unfortunately I can't comment without context. But personally, I feel that formalism has its merits-"

"Of course, you do," Mr. Lan Wangji cut him off and walked into the open elevator, followed by the three suited men. 

"Are you not coming to work?" Mr. Lan Wangji asked with humor, as he watched Xu Yang hesitate outside the elevator.

"Ah, I'll take the next one, I'm waiting for a coworker."

"Suit yourself," Mr. Lan Wangji pressed the button to close the elevator doors. 

"Now, Lan Wangji, you must tell us, how was your weekend?" the man in grey asked, eagerly. It seemed the other two shared in his eagerness.

"What about it?" Lan Wangji rolled his eyes. 

"Did you have him? That new intern?" the man in the striking burgundy suit asked. 

"I'm as straight as a man can be yet even I won't push him off my cock," the man in the deep green suit interjected, then cackled.

"What needlessly keen interest you have in what's, undeniably, my business," Lan Wangji replied irritably.

"That's Master Lan speak for 'I fucked the living daylights out of him'!" the man in grey added in jest. 

Lan WangJi cracked a wicked smile, prompting the three men to erupt into celebratory cheers. Not too long into their celebration, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. A young man in freshly starched cleaner's attire walked in. The four men settled down. Laughter died down to a still silence and throats were cleared. Lan Wangji looked straight ahead, at nothing. 

"Aren't you in the wrong elevator, boy?" the man in burgundy asked. 

"Oh, am- am I?" the young man spoke meekly, stuttering, "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't- It's my first day..."

His voice trailed off. He hunched over, his shoulders looked tense. Lan Wangji could clearly make out the redness that had spread to his ears.

"Get off at the next level, then," the man in burgundy said with thinly veiled displeasure at having to share the executive lift with non-executives.

"It's alright, it's his first day," Lan Wangji spoke with a calm authority, "what level do you need to get off at?"

"Uhm- 34," the young man looked up at Lan Wangji, who stood closest to him. He looked up but failed to make eye contact.

Beautiful eyes, spotless skin and a shapely nose. Lan Wangji observed as he swept his eyes over him. Not bad looking at all. He let his eyes travel down his face to his neck, an elegant neck of pale untouched skin. He couldn't make out much of the man's body through the baggy cleaner's attire. A shame.

"We get off at 34 as well," Lan Wangji finally said, "get off with us this time."

His friends found humor in his way of speaking and didn't hold back their laughter. Lan Wangji smirked as he kept his eyes on the meek young cleaner. Either the cleaner was too insipid to pick up on the humor or he simply did not understand. Either way, the cleaner did not laugh along. He fidgeted with his hands. His nails were unkempt.

"What's your name?" Lan Wangji asked casually, much to the surprise of his friends, "I'm talking to you."

Lan Wangji placed a firm hand on the cleaner's left shoulder and moved him with some force so that he would face him.

The cleaner removed his gaze from the floor, bewildered at the sudden touch. The man in front of him looked too expensive to have touched him so casually. He picked out the strong jaw but failed again to meet his eyes. Instead, he chose to look at the man's deep navy suit. Under his jacket, the cleaner spotted a gleaming gold tie bar. It was engraved with- letters?


Lan Wangji snapped his fingers directly in front of the cleaner's dazed eyes, "Your name." He demanded impatiently.

"Wei Wuxian!" Weiying looked up, startled

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"Wei Wuxian!" Weiying looked up, startled. Finally, he met Lan Wangji's eyes. Strikingly handsome. Clearly unattainable. Weiying blushed to his ears again and looked away. 


The elevator doors opened, granting Weiying escape from the deeply embarrassing situation. His first day at work could not have begun any worse.

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