ch.1: Johnny cage

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I stand next to my allies and fiddle with my cloak as we wait for the tournament to start, A man beside us gasps and holds his head, as is he was hit by a sudden headache, I look at him, and he is dressed like a fighter, but I cannot recognize the symbol he wears on his clothes, it also appears he does not have iris' or pupils, who is this man, "komodo, are you alright?" I look to my right and see my brother in arms, Tomas Vrbada code name: smoke, "I am fine...smoke who is that man?" I ask, smoke looks past me to see the man I asked about, "I am not sure, his companion appears shaolin, but he does not." Smoke says,

"Quiet you two, the tournament is starting." I look past smoke to see my superior, sektor, "I apologize master." I say, monks pour into the stands as a few people appear from behind the throne, two female ninjas in green and blue, a tarkatan, and the old sorcerer who summoned us all here, "kombatants, I am Shang tsung! in the coming days, each of you will fight. some are here of there own volition. Others were brought here by chance." The sorcerer says,

"Hey beautiful. Johnny cage." A man in a suit says, "good for you." The woman next to him says, "what, "massive strike?" "Citizen cage?" "Ninja mime?" None of those ring a bell?" Cage asks, this bumbling fool is a fighter, "he won't last the first round." I say, "looks can be deceiving my friend." Smoke says, "you participate in the important mortal kombat in history! This tournament, the tenth after nine outworld victories, will determine earth realms fate. If you defeat all of your opponents, you will face one final" Shang tsung says,

I hear cage scoff which makes me look at him, "that old geezers the final challange? They might as well give me the belt right now. They do have belts right?" Cage asks, suddenly Shang tsung appears beside cage, "what? How did you-" "appearances can be deceiving." The sorcerer turns around and using his magic floats himself back to his throne, "our first kombatant will be Mr. Cage." Shang tsung says, cage looks at everyone and chuckles, he walks to the center of the arena and turns to the large group of fighters, "that's right! that's right! who's it gonna be?" Cage taunts, I lean to sektor and whisper, "what is the plan master?" I ask, "wait." He orders,

"Reptile!" The sorcerer announces, my eyes go wide and my heart skips a beat, 'impossible, they were wiped out!' I think, a green saurian appears out of thin air on top of the roof above the throne, Reptile jumps off of the roof and lands opposite of cage, "nice stunt! Who's your agent?" Cage asks, "begin!" "All right! It's showtime!" Cage says, the fight begins and it appears they are equals in kombat, "sektor, we have to intervene, we are ment to stop the fighters, Reptile will KILL that man!" I say, "and if we intervene, we will be killed by the rest of them, we have no choice komodo." Sektor warns, "but-" "komodo look!" Smoke says,

I look to the fight and see cage winning, he has Reptile on the ropes, and with one last roundhouse kick Reptile is sent flying onto the ground, Reptile struggles to move then lays on the ground unconscious, "he got caged!" Cage says, "that's it! Ha haa! Oh yeah! I am so pretty!" Cage walks over to our group and points at smoke, then me, then sektor, then cyrax, "and I'm taking you down, I'm taking you down, I'm taking you out, I'm taking you out-" he finally points at the woman from before, "and I'm taking you out...for dinner." "I'd be impressed, if he wasn't a damn fool." I say, "I told you not to underestimate him." Smoke says, "oh shut up Tomas." I say with a smile,

"Now for your second challenge, Mr. Cage. Baraka!" Shang tsung announces, the tarkatan shouts then jumps from the throne into the arena across from cage, "hmm, ok...nice makeup, but is it really necessary?" Cage asks, Baraka unsheaths his arm blades to prepare for kombat, "woah!" Cage says, "they will taste your flesh!" Baraka threatens,

The fight begins and once again cage appears equal to baraka, "This dosent make sense." I say, "what is it komodo?" Cyrax asks, "Baraka is a tarkatan, an outworld warrior, they are trained to kill without mercy, how is this man able to stand against him, I sense no power from him at all." I say, "it is possible he has unlocked his power, but cannot manifest it yet." Sub-zero says, I turn around to look at master Sub-zero, sir name bi-han, "but even so master, he is at a severe disadvantage if he cannot use his power like you can." I say,

"Everyone's power is different komodo, his just so happens to be stronger than both Reptile and baraka's." Bi-han says, 'what, both?' I look to the arena to see Baraka on the ground and cage out of breath, "my producer has got to meet you! We're doing "tommy scissorfist", and-" "congratulations, Mr. Cage. Now, finish him!" Shang tsung interrupts, "finish him? Yeah right!" Cage mocks, "kill him!" Shamg tsung orders, cage looks around and see everyone disapprove of killing Baraka, except the orange Ninja and his pale skinned ally,

"Woah. Woah, woah, wait a sec! I'm not gonna kill anyone!" Cage says, "very well." Shang tsung stand up from his throne, "the tournament will resume at dawn!" Shang tsung begins to walk away and the monk spectators stand up to leave as well, "what, that's it? Really?" Cage asks,  guards and fighters begin to clear out and I look to the far exit to see Reptile, conscious but still aching from his fight, I look to my allies to see them walking away, I took back to Reptile and see him walking away, I quickly walk after Reptile, and I leave through the same exit as him,

I walk far behind Reptile as monks and guards walk down the same hall of the temple, Reptile suddenly takes another hall that no one else seems go take, I follow after him but I wasn't as stealthy as I seemed, I am grabbed by my cloak and slammed against a wall, I look up to see Reptile glaring daggers at me, "give me one reason I shouldn't melt your face!" Reptile says, my heart is beating out of my chest, I am panting in fear, "I can't here, I have something to tell you, please bring me somewhere no one will see us." I plead, Reptile raises an eyebrow, "why would I trust you?" Reptile asks, "because, I want you to live." I say,

Reptile looks at me and slowly let's me go, "walk in front of me." Reptile says, I walk down the hall Reptile behind me, we walk for a short time until Reptile places a hand on my shoulder, "This room." He says pointing left, I enter the room and Reptile after me, Reptile slams and deadbolts the door as I turn around d to look at him, "Now talk! why shouldn't I kill you?" He asks, I take a deep breath and remove my cloak, Reptile's eyes go wide and be backs into the door, "no, that's...that's impossible!" Reptile says, I drop the cloak from my hand and my tail hits ground softly,

Reptile slowly approaches me taking in my appearance, he reaches a hand out to touch my face, I flinch away and it makes Reptile flinch, I stand still and let him touch my face, his hand lands on my cheek and his eyes widen even more, "I'm not hal...

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Reptile slowly approaches me taking in my appearance, he reaches a hand out to touch my face, I flinch away and it makes Reptile flinch, I stand still and let him touch my face, his hand lands on my cheek and his eyes widen even more, "I'm not hallucinating. you're real." He says, I say nothing, I just look into reptiles emerald eyes, "who are you? are there others?" He asks, "I don't know. but I am komodo." I say, "komodo, so you and I-" "yes. we are the last of the saurians."I say sadly, Reptile grabs my head and places his forehead on mine,

We stand there for a short time and for some reason I relax, but only a little, "can you fight?" Reptile asks, "what?" "can you fight?" He asks again, "somewhat, I can hold my own but..." "but what?" He asks, "I don't have powers, my acid and camouflage are the only things I have." I say, "that will have to do, I'll try to convince the sorcerer to not let you fight, have your allies take your place if necessary." Reptile says, I back away from him, "no. No, I can't, I won't risk my friends for my own life!" I say, "and I won't lose more of my people!" Reptile says, "...then we have only one option left." I say, "what is that?" He asks, "we leave this island." I say.

(1505 words)

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