chapter 4: cyrax

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Syzoth and I walk back to the main arena and see sektor speaking with the sorcerer, and the other fighters standing off to the side, I can see Raiden standing beside Liu kang and I feel uneasy looking at him, I walk over to the side away from everyone with syzoth behind me and wait for sektor to finish his conversation,

Cyrax suddenly opens the doors to the arena and walks towards sektor and shang tsung, "sektor, we need to talk. Our host tried to have me killed." He says, my eyes widen and I quickly walk to sektor with syzoth behind me, "you and this one were speaking with the thunder god. Your indiscretion has jeopardized my plan." Shang tsung says, "your idiotic plan has cost my brother his life! As far as I'm concerned you are just as responsible for his death as scorpion!" I say, "enough komodo! Cyrax is lin kuei. He will complete his task." Sektor says,

"We shall see." The sorcerer says, "the next match will be cyrax versus Johnny cage!" He orders, "what me? Alright then." Cage says, sektor, syzoth, and I walk away from the arena center, "not everyone gets to rumble with a celebrity. Ready for your beatdown, sunshine? Here it comes." Cage says, the fight starts and I walk closer to sektor, "this is foolish master, our brother is dead, and he tried to kill cyrax, how far are you will to go for this sorcerer?" I ask, "as far as I need to, the lin kuei have a job to do and we will do it, sub-zero would want us to continue the mission." He says, "Bi-han would? or the grandmaster would?" I ask, sektor looks at me angry, "you are out of line komodo, you think we haven't noticed you sneaking away with reptile?" He asks, "don't you dare try to change the subject sektor, you are going to get all of us killed for the grandmaster." I say,

"If that is what it takes, yes I will." Sektor says, my eyes widen and my heart skips, "why would I expect anything else from his son." I say, sektors eyes widen and I walk away to stand next to smoke and syzoth, the fight has ended with cyrax the victor, cyrax grabs cage by the throat and holds him up, cyrax reals his fist back ready to strike, "finish him!" The sorcerer says, cyrax looks to him then the rest of the fighters, his eyes land on Raiden, I look to see Raiden shaking his head, I look back to cyrax to see his eyes on me, I shake my head and he looks back to cage,

"I won't kill him." Cyrax says, I smile at him as he drops cage on his feet, I look to the sorcerer and see he is seething with anger, cyrax turns to leave the arena, walking past sektor, I quickly follow him leaving syzoth and smoke with each other,

I follow cyrax to the courtyard and he stops hearing me behind him, "you did the right thing cyrax." I say, "but sektor will be furious." He says, "then you have to run, he and the grandmaster have changed. they aren't the same as they were when I was a hatchling." I say, I hear the gates to the courtyard open and I turn around to see sektor, "what do you think your doing?" Sektor says,

"You were commanded to kill Johnny cage. You disobeyed." He says, "I eliminated him from the tournament. He didn't need to die." Cyrax says, "you have broken your oath." Sektor says, "I used my judgment!" Cyrax argues, "the cyber initiative will eliminate insubordination." Sektor says, "you would have us turned into puppets to be used by your father? We are your brothers sektor!" I argue, "I chose to surve the lin kuei. But I will not surrender my free will!" Cyrax says,

Cyrax and I take up our fighting stances, we rush sektor and overwhelm him, cyrax and I attack in unison one after the other until sektor is stunned, I jump in the air as cyrax throws up one of his bombs, I kick the bomb towards sektor and It explodes on impact with his chest, I lend next to cyrax and see sektor unconscious, "tell the grandmaster I am finished." Cyrax says, I turn to cyrax and he looks to me, "you have to run cyrax, go somewhere the lin kuei will never find you." I say, "what are you gonna do komodo?" He asks, "there's something I still need to do here." I say, cyrax hugs me, I am surprised but I hug back, "warn smoke, I know he'll listen to you." Cyrax says, "I will, be safe cyrax." I say,

Cyrax walks away and I steel myself for what I'm about to do, I walk back to the arena passing by guards and monks as I do, the arena center is empty, fighters are starting to leave, but the sorcerer is still seated on his throne with jade, kitana, syzoth, and baraka beside him, I walk to the center of the arena and face Shang tsung, this will kill me, but now that the lin kuei are no longer trusted I have no choice, "sorcerer! I challange you for reptiles freedom!" I day, his allies and other fighters look at me surprised,

Shang tsung laughs and looks me in the eyes, "very well, but you will not fight me, you shall face combatant, let us move to the throne room." He says, the others and myself begin walking to the throne room, smoke walks next to me and places a hand on my shoulder, "what are you doing?" He asks, "I'm helping my friend." I say, "than you better win." He says,

It hurts to think I shouldn't tell him about sektor, but he's my friend, "Tomas, I need to tell you something."

(990 words)

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