chapter 2: sonya blade

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I put my cloak back on and tie it tightly so it dosent fall off, I walk to the door only for Reptile to grab my shoulder, "wait!" He says, Reptile pulls me closer to him and holds my shoulders, I can feel his chest against my back, and I suddenly feel warm, but the feeling quickly goes away as I hear people walk down the hall, none of them talk but it sounds like only a few people, Reptile releases me and I quietly open the door, I look down the hall and see Shang tsung and two guards walking down the stairs at the end of the hall,

"That's the dungeon." Reptile says, "something must be happening, I have to go check, it might be my clan fighting." I say, "your clan?" Reptile says, I don't answer him I quietly but quickly follow the sorcerer into the dungeon, I hear people talking but i can't make it out, they stop and I hear shattering that sounds all you familiar, I peek around the corner and see bi-han fighting the woman that cage flirted with, they appear equal, but I know bi-han can win, I look behind the woman and see a man in a cage,

Why is he imprisoned, and who is he, looking between him and the woman I realized something, they are earth realms military, they can get us off the island, bi-han has the woman on the defensive, So I take my chance, I hide on the stairs and remove my cloak, "what are you doing?" I almost yelp as I turn to see Reptile beside me, "what the hell is wrong with you!?" I ask, "answer me komodo!" Reptile demands, "Quiet! those two can get us out, they are earth realms military, they might have a way off the island, I'm going to sneak over to the man and free him, get back to your quarters so you aren't caught!" I say,

"I'm not leaving you to do this alone." He says, I look at Reptile angry, "we do not have time to argue, do as I say and leave right now damn it!" I order, Reptile looks surprised, he slowly sneaks away back up the stairs,

I fully remove my cloak and focus my body, slowly my camouflage activates and I am rendered invisible, unfortunately my clothes aren't, I have to remove my bottom wear to completely hide myself, I look back and see bi-han on the floor unconscious, I am shocked but I have no time, quietly I make my way over to the cage, suddenly lightning strikes the ground between the woman, sorcerer, and myself, it was the man with odd eyes, he had teleported into the dungeon,

"Stand in my way and I'll kick your-"   "a challange?" Shang tsung interrupts, the lightning man gasps and holds his head briefly, "no. You will not be the one to challenge Shang tsung." He says, "you want some too? Fine by me!" The woman says, I reach the cage as they begin to fight, I look at the man and his hands and arms are covered in strange armor, "hello, are you conscious?" I ask, "shit, now I'm going crazy." He says, "hush, listen, I will free you but I need your help in return, please agree." I say, "I don't even see you anywhere, how you gonna get me out?" He asks,

"I am camouflaged and I can melt the bars, will you help or not!?" I ask, "fine but hold on, we need her with us, and what do you want from me?" He asks, "I need you to help my friend and I off the island." I say, "shit, ain't that convenient." He says, "what do you mean?" I ask "don't worry bout it." He says, I look back to the fight and see the lightning man on the ground, I look back to the man, "Stand back." I say, the man moves as I fill my mouth with acid, I spit the acid over the bars as a large shine of light shines behind me, the bars melt in seconds and the woman walks up behind me, "how the hell?" She asks,

She does not ask anything and just grabs the man and helps him walk out of the dungeon, now is my chance, I quickly walk back to the stairs and grab my clothes, I walk back to Reptile who is waiting outside of his quarters, I de-camouflage and he turns to see me, Reptile flinches and his face turns red and he looks away, "It worked, I have a way off the island." I say while re-chlothing myself, "g-good, where are we going to meet them?" He asks, I noticed the stutter but we need to hurry, "where does the dungeon lead from the outside?" I ask, "the courtyard, follow me." Reptile says,

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