Rocket Man.

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"And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh, no, no, no"

Rocket Man by Elton John

"Son, what are you looking at?" My father asked as he popped a French fry in his mouth.

I shook my head, clearing my throat. "Oh, uh, nothing! I was just admiring that man's shirt."

My father turned in his seat, eyebrows instantly creasing when he saw the shirt I mentioned. He scoffed as he faced me once more. "That man must be a faggot, wearing a shirt with so many colors. And he's showing his chest! Disgusting, don't you agree, son?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I gave a small nod. My fingers fiddled with the top button of my shirt, which made me feel suffocated, but I knew my father would refuse to be around me if my shirt was not fully buttoned.

Suddenly I felt claustrophobic in the large mall food court, despite the tables around us being empty. My breathing began to quicken, a bead of sweat dripping down my brow.

"Excuse me, father, I need to use the restroom." I excused myself, stumbling towards the bathroom around the corner from our table. My hands reached up to the collar of my shirt, releasing one button from it's cage. As I careened into the bathroom, I gripped tightly onto the sink, closing my eyes to focus on my breathing, as Jimin has taught me.

Breathe in.

Hold for three seconds.

Breathe out.

I repeated the mantra in my mind, performing the motions several times until I could feel the tightness in my chest dissipating. I splashed some cold water on my face from the sink before grabbing a paper towel to dry off my skin.

As my hand touched the handle of the bathroom door, I inhaled through my nose once more, letting the air escape slowly from my mouth before opening the door, coming face to face with my father.

"Ah, son, you were in there for quite some time. I was beginning to worry you were doing something you weren't supposed to."

"And what exactly would that be, father?"

He began to walk, heading toward the next store he wanted to enter, in search of a birthday gift for my mother. "Well, you left so suddenly, I wanted to ensure you didn't follow another male in here."

"Who the hell do you think I am?" I asked, stopping in my tracks in the deserted mall.

My father's eyes narrowed. "Don't you dare speak to me in that tone. I am protecting you from yourself. I am keeping you away from those damn homosexual tendencies people of your age seem to be experiencing. We don't need that in our family. Those types of people are worthless to me. Scum."

I bit my tongue, holding myself back from screaming out everything I wanted to say in response.

Knowing he was waiting for a response, I shrugged, starting to walk once more. I knew better than to trust my voice.

"I'm no longer in a shopping mood. Let's go home." His voice spoke from behind me.

"You can drop me off at my place. I have some things to do before going to work."

"Fine," he responded, voice short and firm.


"Thank you for lunch and the ride, father," I spoke hoarsely as I opened the car door. Not waiting for a response, I shut the door and reached into my pocket for my keys, wanting to get inside to safety as soon as possible.

As the door opened, I breathed in the comforting scent of jasmine and vanilla, Jimin's favorite candle. The tension in my back and shoulders lifted slightly, raising even more when I caught sight of my best friend watching television in the living room.

"Jungkookie!" He squealed, getting up to engulf me in a hug, as he does every day when he sees me for the first time. "How was lunch with your father?" He grabbed the TV remote, pausing the drama he was watching.

I followed him to the couch, gnawing on my bottom lip, wearing it down to the point it began to feel raw and on the verge of bleeding.

"Oh no, Jungkook, what happened? I felt the mood shift down about ten degrees once you walked in."

With a sigh, I made direct eye contact with him. "Jimin, I need your help."

"Name it!"

"I want to go to the Parade with you." I inhaled, taking in the jasmine and vanilla once again.

"I need you to set me free."


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