Keep Driving.

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"A small concern with how the engine sounds
We held darkness in withheld clouds
I would ask, "Should we just keep driving?"
Should we just keep driving?"

Keep Driving by Harry Styles

Miss Tiger Lily wrapped up her set with a song, one I didn't quite recognize but thoroughly loved. Her deep voice was magical, enchanting, like a siren singing her song to sailors to entrap them.

I felt like one of those sailors, unable to look away.

The crowd applauded and whistled as she exited the stage, disappearing behind a door that must've led to her dressing room.

Yoongi cleared his throat, breaking the enchantment, before he scooted out of the booth to stand up.

"Follow me!"

He motioned for us to come with him, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"W-Where are we going?"

Jimin just grabbed my hand, dragging me along down a hallway until we stood in front of a door that read 'Miss Tiger Lily.'

The door was thrown open before I had a chance to protest, my body being dragged in until I was trapped following the closure of the door.

Yoongi's voice was the next one to speak. "Amazing show, as always, Taehyung. The crowd was really feeling it."

Taehyung chuckled from behind a curtain. "I'm glad they like the new set. Hoseok and I worked hard on it."

I saw Jimin's jaw clench at the mention of Hoseok.

Taehyung emerged from behind the curtain, now wearing a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. His face was still covered in the makeup, which it seemed he was preparing to take off as he walked to the makeup table.

"And Jimin, Jungkook, what did you two think of the show?" Taehyung asked as he sat down in front of the vanity. His hands reached for the wipes, starting to wipe the layers of makeup off his skin.

Jimin stepped further into the room, eventually plopping down on a sofa against the far wall. Yoongi joined not too long after.

"The show was amazing, Taehyung! Truly a treat." Jimin answered, his eyes then meeting mine.

I swallowed, remaining frozen in my spot by the door. I could see Taehyung turn to look in my direction, eyebrows furrowed.

My mouth opened and closed, trying to formulate words but failing. With a hum, Taehyung stood up from his stool and crossed over to me in a few large strides.

His breaths fanned my lips as he lead close to me. "Did you enjoy my performance, Jungkook?"

I could see the remnants of glittery eyeliner along his eyelids, continuing to draw me into a daze. "U-Uh, yes. I d-did."

He pulled away with a smile, flipping around and sitting back on the stool before I could process him moving. "Fantastic! Glad to hear it!"

I went to meet eyes with Jimin, only to find him lost in conversation with Yoongi. I sighed, hands searching for something to squeeze, finally settling on the hem of my shirt.

"So, Jungkook..." Taehyung's voice emerged from the distance to bring me back into the room.

I hummed, still not trusting my voice.

"You didn't utilize my phone number that I gave you." Taehyung said, making my hands squeeze the hem of my sweater.

My heart beat sped up, sweat forming on my forehead and neck.

My brain couldn't think. It couldn't process the tricks that Jimin taught me in moments like these. I forgot to breathe. I forgot to close my eyes, leading to me staring at the male who had just spoken, in all his ethereal beauty. I watched as his mouth moved again, two syllables, but no sound registered in my ears.

I clutched at my chest as dark spots danced around my vision, my feet stumbling to escape the room, trying to make it's way down the long hallway, through the crowd of people, and to the fresh air outside.

I made it only a few feet before the darkness overtook me, collapsing me to the grimey floor of the bar.


When I opened my eyes, I was sitting up with my back against the wall. I felt a body shuffle next to me, seeing the ethereal siren instead of my best friend.

"Jimin tried to come, but I assured him I had you covered," he spoke softly, giving me a soft smile.

I nodded, throat still feeling closed up.

He patted my knee twice before bringing his hand back to his lap. I couldn't help but frown at the removal of his hand, despite my still-cloudy mind.

"Have you had panic attacks before?" Taehyung asked after a moment.

I nodded. After taking in a deep breath, my chest loosened up a bit more. "They first started when I realized I was Demisexual."

I was quickly discovering that Taehyung was doing everything right. He didn't interrupt to chime in his thoughts, he merely sat next to me and gave me the space to say what I felt comfortable to say.

"My father is a pastor. His son being into anyone other than a female is against the Bible, and therefore goes against him. I'm..." My head hung low as the words I so hated to admit but knew they were true slipped off my tongue in a hushed tone. "I'm a disgrace."

Taehyung whistled with a small shake of his head, standing up and offering me a hand to help me up. "Welcome to the Disgraced Child Club, Jungkook."


I'm back to loving this story and wanting to update frequently🥳

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