Make Me Feel.

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Yikes I haven't updated this in six months... so sorry y'all😭

"It's like I'm powerful with a little bit of tender,
An emotional, sexual bender"

Make Me Feel by Janelle Monae

One week later.

"Kook, come on! You've only left the house in the last week for work. Come have a drink with me!" Jimin pleaded, using his puppy dog face to try and convince me.

I sighed heavily. "I really don't feel like drinking, Chim."

Jimin frowned. "Well, I do! You don't have to drink, you can just be my designated driver!" He got down on his knees, clasping his hands in front of him, putting them right under his chin. "Pwetty pweaseeeeee."

With a roll of the eyes, I reluctantly nodded my head. In no time at all, I was tossed a leather jacket and my keys, and was escorted out to my car.

"The Ace of Spades Club please, Mister Designated Driver!" Jimin commanded, pulling his phone of his pocket and sitting on it for the duration of the ride, smirk on his lips.


I could feel my chest vibrating from the bass before we even entered the club.

Jimin wore a wicked smile as we waited for the bouncer to check our licenses, and I knew he was up to something. He had an ulterior motive, but what that was? I wasn't sure.

He guided me through the club until we sat at a table close to the stage. The seating was close to a velvet tufted couch, my hand soaking up the texture of luxury.

"Hello, sir!" Jimin motioned for the waiter as he walked by, ordering two shots of vodka, before sighing and leaning back in his seat.

"I told you I wasn't really going to drink." I reminded him.

Jimin chuckled, shoulders bouncing at the action. "The second shot isn't for you, silly!" He touched the tip of my nose with his index finger.

"Then who is it fo-"

"I hope you didn't start the party without me," A voice spoke, making me jump slightly in surprise.

My eyes met Yoongi's, making me relax more in my seat.

Jimin's smile came back as he scooted closer to me. He patted the seat next to him. "Welcome, Yoongi! Not at all. I have a shot on the way for you."

Yoongi nodded, sitting down with a huff.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, wishing I had asked the waiter for a glass of water. I made a mental note to make sure to do so next time they came by.

Yoongi's eyes met mine. "Jungkook, how have you been?" Something about the tone of his voice when asking this question brought about a certain level of curiosity and nosiness.

"Um... I've been, uh, busy with work this week."

Jimin looked at me with a look in his eyes. He knew I was lying and was trying to decidd whether to call me out on it or not.

Yoongi wasn't fazed. "I feel you on that. I hope the show will help unwind you after the busy week of working!"

"The show...?" I questioned, feeling Jimin chuckle next to me.

Before I could speak again, the lights across the bar dimmed slightly, a few lights illuminating a stage in the corner that I hadn't seen when we came in.

The music changed, the volume growing even louder than before. It sounded like a strong breeze in the springtime, blowing across the tops of all the flowers in a meadow. It felt peaceful, but also ominous with nothing to block the wind on it's journey.

Suddenly flowers were thrown off stage, some landing on our table with a tiny thump.

Jimin picked one of them up in his hands with a smirk. "Tiger lilies!"

My brain put the pieces together, wanting to slap Jimin for dragging me out here.

As I was gathering my stuff to slide out of the booth, a deep voice spoke into a microphone, reverberating inside my chest. My heart raced, blood pulsing in my ears.

"Good evening ladies, gentlemen, and gays! My name is Miss Tiger Lily, and I'm here to pollinate you."

"What the fuck is this, Jimin?" I shouted over the music, glaring daggers into his head.

He merely shrugged. "Yoongi invited me out, how was I to say no?"

When I turned back to look at the stage, my breath caught in my throat.

There he was, in all of his beauty.

Kim Taehyung.

Only this time he was his drag persona, Miss Tiger Lily. He wore thick makeup, orange and pinks on his eyelids with a thick winged eyeliner. Glitter adorned his cheekbones, and a two-toned lip color accented the look well.

His outfit was a pantsuit, elongating his legs to almost resemble a giraffe. The patterns and coloring resembled a tiger lily, with the fabric being gradient oranges, brown dots speckling the fabric. I couldn't help but notice the plunging neckline of the pantsuit, not leaving much of the bare chest to the imagination.

He made eye contact with me from the stage, and I was immediately entranced.


I forgot how in love I am with this story, so expect updates way more frequently than every six months, LOL

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