Here She Comes

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I stretched as the ending credits rolled. I had just finished watching Mean Girls when there was a honk outside. It didn't take long. I turned off the TV and slipped on my shoes before leaving the house. I smirked as I quietly walked down the steps.

"Artemis. Stop sneaking around, it's not going to work." Charlie said, without turning around.

"...Boo. Lame. Hey," I smiled at Bella, going over to her and pulling her into a hug. I laid my head on her shoulder.

"Hey," she awkwardly patted my back.

"I'm hugging you every time I see you. So, get used to it." I said as I pulled away from her.

"She's gotten very touchy," Jacob 'whispered' to Bella,

I whacked him on the shoulder and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Want to come with?" Jacob asked, grinning at me as he pointed at the truck.

"...I prefer two wheels. Imma go do homework. See you two in the morning." I said, pointing at Bella and Dad, as I walked backwards.


I linked my arm with Bella's as we walked into the school, we were early so I could show her around. I was a bit over excited that she was here. It meant I wouldn't have to worry about avoiding Alice anymore. It was hard! There were a few times I wasn't able to avoid Rosalie, Emmett or Jasper since we had classes together and we partnered up; but they never talked about Alice. I was grateful for that. I wanted to try and avoid becoming a target for James and avoid the supernatural life all together. I wanted to give Artemis a good life, not the one I gave her. Which means not being imprinted on. I flinched at that thought.

"You okay Artemis?" Angela asked,

"Hm? Yeah...what do you think about vampires?" I asked her,

"In what context?" Jessica asked,

"Books. Romance novels. I think I'm going to write one." I said,

"It would depend on what kind of Vampire. Dracula or are you going to make one up." Angela said,

"Vampires. That Sparkle!" I grinned, sitting up.

I am going to have so much fun with this. The boys at our table groaned, Bella smiled a little.

"Sparkle? Like glitter sparkle or diamond sparkle?" Lauren asked, pointing her fork at me.

"Diamond Sparkle!" Jessica & I said at the same time,

"When would they sparkle? During a full moon," Mike rolled his eyes,

"That's wolves. They would obviously sparkle in the sunlight." Angela said,

"Vampires turn into dust in the sunlight." Eric said,

"It's her story." Angela said while pointing at me,

"What about werewolves?" Tyler asked, dropping his arm around mine and Bella's shoulders.

"What about 'em?" I raised an eyebrow,

"Not whose better discussion. That, will ensue chaos with this one," Bella said, pointing at me.

"Ew Star Wars," I scrunched up my nose,

"What?!" nearly the whole table shouted at me,

"...I have homework to do!" I got up quickly, tossing my tray and running out of the lunchroom.

I am not looking forward to that - I stopped when I felt a sharp pain in my skull. I leaned against the lockers, as I held my head. Great. Not again. I squeezed my eyes shut and lowered myself to the ground. I leaned my head back against the lockers, to wait out the pain.

"How bad?" Alice asked softly, as she placed a hand on my forehead.

Oh, that feels nice. I sighed and leaned against her touch.

"That bad? Let's get you to the nurse's office," she said softly,

Another pair of cold hands helped me off the ground, I opened my eyes and looked at them. Rosalie raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. Alice kept her hand on my forehead as Rosalie helped me walk to the nurse's office.

"Oh dear. That bad?" she asked, giving me a pitiful look.

"It's not that bad," I frowned at her.

"You're letting Alice help you. You avoid her like the plague." Rosalie said as she helped me onto a bed.

"I do not."

"Rest, here's an ice pack." the nurse said,

Alice's hand is colder. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I'll just take a little nap.

I've Become Artemis Swan - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now