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"Ryan was wondering where you went." Sienna said.

"Well it looks like he's not worried about it anymore." You laughed as the bartender poured you a new (drink of choice)

Sienna looked over to see Stacy dancing on your date.

"How classy." She said with disgust

"It's whatever."

"No that's disgusting. She knew you were meeting him here. What a slut move."

"She's probably too drunk to know what she's doing. It's okay Sienna really. I'm not stressing it."

"You let her walk all over you. I'm sick of it."

Sienna got up and confronted Stacy and Ryan even though you really didn't want that to happen.

Out of embarrassment you rushed to the ladies room.

There he was again.

"I'm all for equality but I'm pretty sure this is a women's room."

He silently laughed and dramatically slapped his knee.

"Got anymore entertaining clown tricks? I'm in a shitty mood. I want to go home but I carpooled here with a friend."

He looked concerned.
He held up a finger and did a "oh!" Face then reached behind him and pulled out another flower with a big theatrical smile.

He held it in your face expecting you to smell it but you didn't catch on right away.

He shoved it closer.

"Oh right the old water squirting trick."

You smelt it.

It squirted out blood onto your face. You assumed it was fake.

"Nice twist. I thought my costume could use some gore." You smirked as he held up a thumbs up and a big smile.

He placed a hand on your face and spread the blood down to your neck, surprisingly gently.

You were drunk and let out a slight moan.
His hand resting  under your chin as you leaned against the public bathroom sink.

His head abruptly turned to the left and his content look faded.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry. I am... like really fucked up right now." Stacy stumbled in the bathroom.

"I don't care Stacy."

"Who's this creep? What are you doing in the women's bathroom?"

Her face lit up as if she thrived off chaos.

"Are you guys about to fuck or something? I thought you came for Ryan.. and they say I'm the slut of the friend group?" She laughed

"What a special place to pop your Cherry (Y/N). Real memorable." She kept going

After that comment The clowns grin dropped. He looked angry.

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