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Art suddenly appeared in the foot way behind you.
He witnessed the whole thing.

"Art I'm sorry she knew my name I had too."
You said shakily.

Him and the little girl began clapping and laughing.

He grabbed the wrench from your hand and sat it back on the workbench.

"I need your help. Ryan's dead he's on the floor of my apartment. I didn't mean too. I brought his car here. I don't know what to do." You were full of anxiety.

He grabbed each of your arms in attempt to calm you down then he held your hand and exited the building.

He walked with you home, leaving the car hidden out of site at the creepy building.

You held hands the whole way back.
The little girl disappearing again.

Immediately he picked up the saw and began cutting Ryan into pieces. Limb by limb.
You watched disgusted but too curious to look away.

He began placing the body parts into trash bags and handed you a mop with bleach.

"Seriously?" You groaned and began cleaning the site as he scrubbed the walls for you.

"That part wasn't me the little girl wanted to paint."

Art grinned.

"Thank you. I don't know what id do without you."

Without him you wouldn't even be in this situation but you were too delusional at this point to see that.

Sienna was calling your phone.

Hesitantly, you picked up.

"Where is he?"

"Where is who?"
You asked knowing exactly who she was talking about.

"You know who."

You played stupid.

"Ryan. He said he was coming to check on you. I told him not too."

"Well I guess he listened because he didn't. I'm sorry sien-"

"I don't wanna hear it. I am going to kill him. You're dead to me."

She hung the phone up.

You and art looked at each other.

"I'm gonna shower."
It felt gross having someone else's blood on you.
You took off the clown costume and left in on the floor as you walked to the bathroom.

You started the water and got in.

Suddenly the curtain was pulled back.
Art had a kitchen knife in hand and held it in the air.

You jumped back almost slipping.

He sat down the knife and dramatically laughed and pointed.

"Like the movie Psycho. Again, you're an asshole."

He leaned against the wall across from the shower and watched as bloody water mixed with face paint dripped down your body.

A R T < 3 (Reader x Art)Where stories live. Discover now