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You managed to make it home without anyone noticing. Right when you were about to take a shower and thought you were in the clear, you heard a knock on the door.

You groaned and ran over to it.

It was Sienna.

"I know you're home. Open the fucking door."

"What Sienna?"

"Im making sure you're not dead. You won't answer any of my calls or texts. Why are you being so distant? Open the fucking door or I'm gonna let myself in." She yelled.

You figured she was bluffing and ignored it until she started slamming her body against the door.
It was rattling.

"I'm fine." You opened the door a crack but she pushed it wide and let herself in.

"What the fuck is that?"
She stared at me like a deer stuck in headlights.

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it."

"He did this to you." She yelled

"Sienna shut up I have neighbors. I'm fine."

"How are you so nonchalant about this? How did you survive him? You need to clean up asap before that gets infected or something. Or better yet go to the hospital!"

"I was working on that. I just got home."

"From where? Where did this happen?"

"Wherever he brought me. I don't know Sienna. I told you I don't want to talk about it."

You couldn't deny it was Art  because the branding on your chest gave it away.

"How the fuck are you not dead?" She asked again.

"I don't know. Maybe he likes me." You smirked cynically.

"No way. Art doesn't like anyone."

"Well how did you survive?" You asked

"I outsmarted him. I don't know, it's complicated. But he definitely did not like me. He would've killed me if he had the chance."


She looked at you confused.

"You should probably leave. I don't know if he'll be back." You said

"What do you mean? Where is he?"

"I told you I don't know. I ran away." You lied. You knew exactly where he was and how to get there.

"I can't leave you alone. Come stay at my apartment."

"No Sienna I'm fine. I'm not scared of him."

You were kind of worried what he may do because you ran off and didn't listen to his request. However the curiosity killed you.

"I killed him once I can do it again. I have the weapon too at my apartment."

"I'm not going. I have to shower and stuff Sienna I'll talk to you later."

"Please." She begged.

"I told you no. I'm a big girl."  You smiled

"He's going to come here (Y/N). He doesn't let shit go. Please change your mind. Why are you like this?" She pleaded

"I'm getting in the shower now Sienna." You took your shirt off and turned around.

Her face turned red.
"Oh. Okay.. well anyway. If he comes back here we're both dead. I have the sword at my apartment. I don't know why but it's like his kryptonite. I'll see you later hopefully."  Her eyes refocused and she left.

You got into the shower.
Water and blood filled the bottom as it washed off your body.

The hot water was calming and much needed.
He was still on your mind although you felt kind of numb.

You had to be numb otherwise you'd drown in your emotions per usual. Tucking them away as a defense mechanism instead was simpler.

You wrapped yourself with a towel and walked to your bedroom.

"What the fuck are you doing?"
You froze

There he was. Laying in your bed posing like a jack ass with the girls head beside him.

"That's just distasteful. I'm never gonna get those stains out of my bed." You groaned and sat at the end of the bed and looked at the ceiling in annoyance.

He rolled his eyes dramatically and did a talking hand motion. Like the one you do when someone's complaining or rambling on.

Then he got up and threw the head into his trash bag  like an annoyed child having to clean.
He sat back on the bed next to you and crossed his arms, staring at you.

You looked over at him so he quickly turned away dramatically and stuck his nose in the air.

You smirked.
"Are you mad at me? Who were those girls?"

He did the laughing face and put his hands in the air implying he didn't know.

"Mhm. That was an interesting way of waking up. I was expecting breakfast in bed or something but I guess you were busy."

He gave a sad face then reached in his bag and handed you a box.

You opened it.
Inside was a expensive diamond ring...
That was still on the finger.
It was the girls.

Not sure how to respond, but it was still a cute gesture you thought.

"For a serial killer clown you have good taste. I guess I forgive you." You smiled.

He grabbed the box and removed the ring from the finger.

He got down on the ground, grabbed your hand, and put it on your finger for you. He then kissed your hand gently.

You blushed.


He looked confused.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?"


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