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"Where are we going?"
You sounded a little too excited when asking.

Silence per usual was his response as you dangled over his shoulder.

He eventually  placed you down in a strange building.

It was cold, dark, and humid.
Like a basement of some sort.

Barely any light in site.

"Is this where you live?"

It reeked.

He held his hand out and gestured over to his collection of tools and weapons.

You looked around carefully examining every detail.

The rust, the blood, etc.

He picked up a piece of metal bent in the shape of an A along with a blow torch.

He began heating it up.

He walked closer to you, grabbing you and pushing you against the wooden counter beneath his wall of tools.

He tugged at your shirt as if he were about to rip it off but you removed it for him.

He then covered your mouth with his hand, pulled you back, then a huge wave of unbearable pain struck your body.

You bit down on his hand so hard it drew a little blood.

He laughed in silence.

You let out a quiet scream and moaned in pain as he had just branded in "A" into the right side of your chest. It was about fist size.

He smiled theatrically and shook his head.
There were tears filling your eyes but you didn't want to show weakness so you sucked it up.

"Are you going to finish?"

The smile left his face and confusion struck again. He put up the hold on finger and began heating up metal in the shape of an R.

Again he grabbed you. Pressed your body against his. Put his hand over your mouth.
Then pressed down with the scolding hot metal into the middle of your chest.

He repeated this cycle until his name was complete.

"ART" was now branded on your chest.

He dropped the hot metal and walked away to sit down on his chair watching the news.

They were still reporting about Stacy.
Unable to find the killer.

"A new discovery we are just hearing about. The body of a man was just discovered outside of a diner downtown. We have no more information at this time. However, this town may have a new serial killer on its hands." The news lady finished

Art smiled and put a thumbs up.

You walked next to him. Your shirt still off, and kneeled on the floor beside his metal chair.
He looked down at you.

You looked up at him.
Your chest was beyond sore but you sucked up the pain. You loved it but it was going to be hard to hide.

You laid your head down on his lap and closed your eyes.

"You branded your name on me does that mean I'm your property?" You laughed.

He didn't know how to react to that but he stood up and grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you to another area with slight aggression.

That was just who he was. He didn't mean to hurt you. At least you didn't think so. He was just dominant and bad at expressing himself.

There was a mattress in the tiny room he brought u too. It wasn't dirty but it wasn't exactly clean either.
Also a dull light bulb hanging from ceiling.

He pointed at the mattress so you laid down on it.

He just stood there and stared at you for a minute then turn to leave. shutting the door behind him as he walked away.

"Please don't leave."
You shot up

Although the door wasn't locked and there was a tiny bit of light. You kicked at the door and screamed like a lunatic until he came back.

He opened the door and stared at you.

"Don't leave." You repeated more sternly.
Your body slightly shaking from shock and adrenaline.

He face palmed and shook his head then sat on the edge of the bed.

You crawled over and put your arms around him from behind. Ignoring the pain from the burn.

"Please don't leave again."

You felt more safe with him than without him. You were terrified and felt helpless without him.

He stared off at the wall not moving a muscle.
You sat there holding onto him for at least a half an hour until eventually you laid down behind him and crashed.

He then stood up, covered you with an raggedy-old blanket, and walked off.

A few hours later, around 11 am, you woke up to the sound of screaming and the revving of a chainsaw.

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