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"Told you your mom was murdered by killers , that's all you need to know " Mr Friday replied looking away.

"You're lying , you shot her didn't you?".

He looked a bit surprised when she said that.

That statement seemed to have struck a nerve in him.

"You smell nervous, so it is true, you did kill her ."

"It was an accident!" Mr Friday vented

"An accident? You killed my mother and lied to me about it, making me kill innocent people for all these years !!" Laura cried

Tears swirled up in her eyes. She became emotional by the minute.

"Those men deserved what they got, they were evil and they didn't deserve to live" Mr Friday replied sternly.

"Oh yeah? And who are you to judge whether a person should live or die huh?".

"Look my child, I don't know who fed you these lies but I didn't kill your mom intentionally , it was an accident, wish I could take it all back but I can't. And I never told you this because I didn't want you to see me as a monster. Sometimes we lie to protect those we love."

"No father, you lied to protect your ass. Now I can forgive you for mother's death but you ordering a hit on me , sorry I can't let that slide ." Laura threatened as she drew her gun and aimed it at her father.

"So what you gonna do ? Kill me? ".

"Well, you leave me with no choice, bye father,."

She leveled the pistol at her father's chest, her fingers around the cold metal. Mr Friday's face only grew more furious.

His grip tightened on the handle of his chair. Speaking into the cold rainy night air with a cutting tone , he replied, "Go on then."

With a determined stare, she pulled the trigger with a reverberating bang. But she wasn't lucky, Mr Friday ducked from the shot, grabbed Laura's hand and yanked the gun out of her grip.

She tried drawing her other pistol from her back but she was slow. Mr Friday grabbed a knife off his desk and run it through Laura's palm against the surface of the desk like he was pasting a poster.

She screamed as she fired blind shots from the pistol in her other hand. Mr Friday grabbed Laura's hand and redirected the gun at her shoulder and pulled the trigger with her own fingers.

Blood gushed out of the wound. She let out another cry.
With one hand impaled by a knife into the desk and a wounded shoulder, she was defenseless.

"What happened to your mother was unfortunate, I live with that burden each day of my life. But since you're hell bent on not listening to what I have to say , i might as well make you using the hard way."

Mr Friday took off his coat leaving his vest and white sleeves shirt on.

"We had a terrible argument and one thing led to another , I didn't even know I had a gun in my hand. It was all an accident . I never meant to kill her . I sort of lost my temper and I regret my actions up till this day." Mr Friday said apologetically.

There was sincerity and honesty in his tone. But Laura cared less about that.

"You're nothing but a liar, what kind of man murders his wife , lies to his daughter her whole life making her live in a deluded world and orders for her assassination when she later finds out the truth about her dear old father's schemes huh?" Laura questioned , still grunting in pain. Her breaths were heavy.

"It doesn't add up, so sorry if I don't believe a word you say father" she continued.

Laura took out the knife she was impaled with from her palm. She left a puddle of blood on the desk. She lunged for her pistol that laid on the floor, she snatched it up , and pointed the hot end at her father, and fired.

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