Chapter 3: Brilliance

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Fox McCloud, leader of the Star Fox brigade, a ragtag group of fighter jet pilots, today he would be in charge of leading the entire team of Smash brothers, all the heroes who answered Sakurai's call, all those who wanted to fight for their universe.

Everyone looked up into the sky of primus, there an angelic being slowly flew down. It was a ball of light with six rainbow colored wings flowing through the sky, Galeem had arrived. Multiple giant white gloves started forming from the being and some where charging at the fighters.

"Don't let a single one get past us! Fox yelled as he readied his laser blaster.

A blue haired warrior wearing blue armor with a black scarf around his chest then said, "We'll all have to take out at least ten" he look of his glowing sword.

"Fear not, we will win this day" the elf girl with a crown said, magical energy starting to flow around her.

"Now this is worthy of a legend of Zelda" the elf warrior said referring to the girl.

The hands started to attack and so did the smash bros.

Each individual started using their skills to destroy the hands.
Feats of speed, swordsmanship, a ballista of different weapons filled primus.

The Mario brothers went to work as well, with Mario absorbing a fire flower, and Luigi absorbing a lightning rod give both that respective ability.

Fire Mario's clothes were white and orange, while lightning Luigi's were cyan and dark green.

The brothers then proceeded to combine their elemental attacks and launch it at a bunch of hands.

"Blazing Thunderstorm!" the twins sent out a tornado of colliding fire and lighting that destroys multiple hands all at once.

"Nice one Luigi!" Said matio, patting his brother's back.

"Thanks, you were amazing as usual too" said Luigi.

Peach and daisy were doing fine as well Peach's magic put the hands to sleep while daisy took out giant turnips and bombarded them with it.

Rosalina and Luma were flying around and destroying the hand with giant star attacks.

Bowser burnt a bunch of them with his fire breath attack.

Bowser Jr and the koopalings weren't far behind as all of them were flying in their colored clown cars shooting out balls of spikes at the hands.

Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong were also beating up a ton, thanks to DK's strength and Diddy"s banana gun.
K rool's gun was even bigger and did a lot more damage.

Galeem looked on as his hands were being destroyed on after the other.
"Interesting, perhaps I could use this to my advantage" said the light being.

All of a sudden all the hands started evaporating and turning into blue light, which galeem then absorbed through his light ball making it flash strangely.

The fighters were confused however the blonde boy with the big red sword, Shulk finally got a vision, a terrible vision.

Every single one of them every single thing on this planet, this solar system, this galaxy, no... The entire universe was about to be wiped out by a brilliant light.

"Everyone watch out!" Was all shulk could say, if they could prevent the future he had foreseen was probably impossible, but he had to warn them anyway.

As soon as Galeem had absorbed all the hands it's ball of light turned into a black hole and then...

Tendrils of harsh light shot out and attacked the fighters. Some tried to run away, some tried to fight it, the results were the same.

They were consumed, engulfed by the light into pure nothingness.

A goddess was swallowed and soon after the angels using her power to fly fell out of the sky and we're consumed by the tendrils as well.

"Pikaaaa! Pika!" A small yellow mouse was running away at lightning speed but the tendrils were catching up.

Grab my hand! The blue bipedal hedgehog said as he too was running at sonic speed, despite this they were both consumed instantly.

The young elf boy managed to block a tendril with his blue shield but they combined into a larger one and swallowed him.
Multiple magicians tried to use shields as well but nothing worked.

The ground began to break apart and Mario lost sight of most of his friends
Including Yoshi, DK and even daisy.

The only two by his side were peach and Luigi, they were running towards the ship but...

Wario the fat rival of the plumbers some was already in it. "So long losers, the entire super world to me now!" Said the fat man as the ship began lifting off.

Only for it to be consumed by the light as well.

"My ship! Grahhhh!" Bowser now furious about the destruction of his precious ship shot out a huge breath of fire to counter the light, but he and his kin fell as well.

Peach got in front of the brothers and started chanting a spell.

"Hyah!" A pink wall was erected blocking the light from passing.
"Mario, Luigi you guys have to survive somehow, keep going, I'll hold it off!" Said the princess.

"No way in hell! I'm not leaving you!" Mario said, fire engulfed his right fist.

"Bro she's right, if we escape we can find a way to bring them all back somehow!" Said Luigi, he was trying his best to be positive in this dire situation.

"But... Damn it, Peach I promise, I'll stop all of this!" Mario said as he held his brother's hand and ran.

The pink wall began to crack, and peach smiled, (I know you'll save me... Because you're the man I....) Before she could finish the light breaks through and takes her.

The brothers are one of the only few fights remaining as they run against the engulfing light, but to no avail.

The light chases them and Luigi pushes Mario out of the way.
"Bro!" The taller twin screams.

"Lu!!!!"ario cries out as the light takes them both, hope seems lost as one fighter remains, a pink ball with arms and legs riding a giant yellow star.

"Haaaaaaaah!" The ball screams out as he vanishes into thin air saving him from the light.

Galeem proceeds to devour everything and everyone, the entire universe is covered by the brilliance of his light.

Inside the angelic being the fighters are tied with strings and remain in a suspended animation state, golden clay falls on top of them and forms a kind of mold of the fight at their feet.

the normal people who were captured by the light became balls of floating lights as well called spirits, these things powered up the clay moulds bringing them to life.

The moulds didn't talk their appearance were the dark versions of the captured fighters(wearing black) their bloody red eyes stood out the most, they were puppet fighters, foot soldiers of Galeem ready to hunt anyone who would go against the world of light.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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