The Discussion

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As Riot walked down the street returning to the apartment he texted Loona, "hey i went to the hotel we should meet up and talk about what to do next."

After he sent the text he continued to walk back to the apartment while he waited for a response, he heard a voice call his name turning around to see Kel catching up.

"Finally found you." Kel muttered out of breath

"Lucky i guess." Riot replied turning back around to walk

"So... whats the play?" Kel asked

"Dunno..." Riot responded, "Alastor is powerful but I don't trust him completely..."

"Thats fair I guess..." Kel muttered, "Wheres Loona? You two are basically inseparable..."

"Visiting a friend..." Riot replied, "didn't say why... Got a question. I know you haven't told us everything you know...why you hiding it? How do you know how i died?"

"I was there..." Kel muttered, "They made me watch them kill you... did it because I tried to hide where you were."

Riot continued to walk now in silence as he thought

"After they got you.. they tortured me... after my use was up... they offed me." Kel added pointing to his missing eye

"And what was your use?" Riot asked

"Entertainment..." Kel muttered

"Thats fuck up..." Riot added, "I'm guessing you want revenge?"

"Kinda... but he'll probably end up down here as well." Kel answered

"Supposedly there's a way to kill a sinner... could off him down here too..." Riot commented

"How?" Kel asked

"Angelic weapons could kill a sinner." Riot muttered

"Worth a shot..." Kel muttered

"Hey if you don't mind me asking. How long have you been down here?" Riot asked

"A while now... few months tops." Kel answered, "after I ended up here I wound up doing some side gigs for this mafia family. Paid well..."

"Old habits die hard huh?" Riot commented

"Yeah i guess." Kel chuckled

After walking for a while they arrived at Loonas and Riots apartment. After entering Riot sat on the couch as Kel sat next to him

"If you want to be the one to off him I won't stop you I just want Loona to be safe..." Riot muttered, "this seems more personal for you..."

"He got us both Jon..." Kel spoke up

"Please call me Riot." Riot asked

"Alright." Kel answered, "anyway, we need this weapon before we make out move... we need to get one... you know where to get them?"

"Nope..." Riot muttered, "I'm more worried about Dannys 'Boss' don't know who it could be..."

"And I don't know who either. Never met them." Kel commented, "Danny can be easy, I know his hideouts and his defenses... we use IMP to off him."

"Could interrogate him to get his boss." Riot added

"And when he gets to hell we can have someone waiting to off him here." Kel commented

"Who? And The hit on Danny needs to look like a normal client." Riot asked

"Got a friend who can help with both." Kel answered

"Who?" Riot asked

"Someone who owes me. They get imp to make the hit and have them wait for Danny here"

"A name could be helpful." Riot added

"Don't know his real name he goes by a nickname."

"Who you talking about?"Loona asked she walked in

"A friend who can help us out." Kel answered

"Hmm... dunno.." Loona muttered as she walked up behind Riot leaning down wrapping her arms around his neck, "what do you think?"

"Lets meet up with them and go from there." Riot spoke up

"They're based a couple rings down it'll be late by the time we got there so first thing tomorrow?" Kel commented

"Sure... meet at the Elevator?" Riot asked

"Alright" concluded as he got up and walked out of the apartment

After Kel left Loona sat down next to Riot where Kel was sitting

"Wanted to ask.. where'd you have to go early?" Riot asked as he looked at Loona

"Needed to talk to a friend... let's leave it at that..ok?" Loona commented

"Okay I guess..." Riot responded

After a while Loona was now laying down in bed while Riot was still on the couch watching tv when he got a text from Blitz, "Hey Stolas invited us out to a festival he's hosting down in Wrath, no work. Want to tag along?"

Riot responded , "sure when is it?"

"About a month from now" blitz texted back

"Alright." Riot responded

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