Understandable Clinginess

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"Ive missed you so much..." Loona whispered still laying on Riot

"I know..." Riot muttered back

Loona sighed then asked, "So this guy we met told us Danny resurrected you. What did he want?"

"He uh... what wanted me to stay out of the way..." Riot answered

Loona remained silent

"You mind helping to bed? Its kinda hard walking" Riot asked

"No... we stay here... for a while.." Loona whispered still laying on top of Riot


The Next Day

Loona finally let Riot get into bed but continued to not leave his side

"Hey Loona." Riot spoke up

"Hm?" Loona muttered half sleep.

"My arm is numb. think you let it go for a couple minutes." Riot asked trying to free his arm

"No." Loona answered now awake looking to foot of the bed, "We can't lose you again..."

"We?" Riot commented

Loona grabbed Riot free hand,placed it on her belly and answered , "yes we... its twins... can feel them."

"You sure?" Riot asked as Loona finally lifted her head freeing Riots

"Mhm... positive." Loona whispered as Riot began to play with Loona's hair as she looked at Riot

Riot leaned into kiss Loona which she accepted

"You think you'll be okay to walk around on your own?" Loona asked she returned to her original position

"Might need some crutches to get around for now but I should okay." Riot answered

"I could get you a cane and you hunch over like a old grandpa" Loona chuckled

Riot laughed then answered, "crutches should do..."

"I'll go out get them later.... I just spend time with you..." Loona muttered as she closed her eyes to go to sleep.

"Im fine with that"  Riot whispered as he repositioned his head to be comfortable


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