Sins Of The Past Part Three

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Back In The Living World

Jonathan awoke in the same room, looking around not able to see much due to the light in face

"I wanna talk..." Danny spoke behind the light

"Fuck you..." Jonathan muttered

"Hey now... im trying to save both our skins." Danny defended himself

"You killed killed me asshole! You probably killed mom and dad..." Jonathan exclaimed then muttering

Danny laughed then answering "No I hired a guy for that."

Jonathan tried to attack Danny but unable to move

"Hey kid... listen... you and me..." Danny said throwing his feet up onto the desk, "...we're alike-"

"We are nothing alike!" Jonathan yelled out

"-we're survivors..." Danny continued, "We do what we must to survive."

Jonathan kept silent but visibly angry

"You'll thank me later Johnny." Danny added turning off the light then standing

"Why should I?" Jonathan asked watching Danny walking towards him

"Cause you help me... I won't harm that little girlfriend of yours..." Danny answered looking down at Jonathan before walking away. "...I'll let you think about it.. g'night Johnny"

Jonathan tried moving his arms but was unsuccessful. Sighing, Jonathan looked around around the room but only the table and turned off light was present.

"No escape..." Jonathan thought lowering his head


Back In Hell

"I don't understand how did this happen?" Blitz asked

Kilo sighed, "Danny wants information, he resurrected him to get it."

"You know more than us, you know where he's at?" Kel asked turning around to look at Kilo

"I don't know that..." Kilo answered, "I can only see the other side. Never travel"

"Hmph..." Kel grunted turning back around

Meanwhile, Loona remained silent still holding Riot limp hand as she rested her head on Riot shoulder moving slightly to the change in weight causing Riots body to slump onto Kilos arms getting his attention. Kilo moved is arm slightly to reposition Riots body to original position and holding it there.

Breaking the silence Loona muttered, "Riot said everything will work out in end.... Im not too sure anymore."

"Then let's keep his word. Bring him home..." Kel commented looking towards Loona, "...for both our sakes..."


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