Relieved Soul

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    Several hours later

Still unable to properly stand forced Riot to remain on the couch

"Fuck." Riot thought, "Wheres Loona?"

Riot sat in contemplation at what Danny told him and decided to sleep on it. Closing his eyes Riot tried to get some sleep.

   Several hours later the door unlocked then opening to Loona walking in with groceries in one arm

"Im home...." Loona muttered as she entered the kitchen , " probably cant even hear me... I hope you can...."

Riot woken to Loona's voice looking over the couch, replying , "I can now."

Loona dropped the bag looking to couch to see Riot poking his head over the couch. Filled with excitement she bolted to Riot jumping on him landing with a thud and cried

"Hey you alright?" Riot asked as he wrapped his arms around Loona

"No! You were out for weeks!" Loona yelled out

"Weeks?" Riot asked, "it only felt like two days."

"No..." Loona muttered , "...I thought we couldn't get you back..."

"Im back now..." Riot muttered with a smile.

"Im glad..." Loona whispered before kissing Riot the resting her head on Riots chest, "everyone was worried about... Stolas and Octavia came to check on you every now and then..."

"I've missed this..." Riot whispered

"I did too." Loona whispered back


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