Sins Of The Past Part Four

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In The Living World

"Morning Johnny. Get any sleep?" Danny asked walking in with two plates closing the door behind him with his food

"What do you think?" Jonathan answered

Danny set the plates down on the table then walked over grabbing the chair Jonathan was in and pushed it to the table.

"I want you to eat. Must be hungry..." Danny added cutting the ropes that tied Jonathan to the chair, "there eat up."

Picking up the fork Jonathan asked, "what do you want?"

Danny now sitting opposite to Jonathan who now starting eating, "All i want is for to talk. After that your free to go back..."

"Hmm...." Jonathan muttered pointing the fork at danny, "about?"

"Hell, Johnny... Our clients have a particular interest in some one called Stolas." Danny explained, "They say he has the only way to cross between here and there. You died and showed up on my doorstep not soon after so you have a way to travel. Tell me and your free to go."

"Stolas? Ha... the prince? Good luck he's basically immortal. You somehow kill him you'll face his daughter...."Jonathan commented before taking another bite

Danny commented, "Killing him isn't on the agenda... maybe...I honestly don't know..."

"Hmph... this client... who are they?" Jonathan asked

"Confidential Johnny you should now that.." Danny added, "listen if don't tell me they'll send the robot in here and beat it out of you. Think about your little girlfriend of yours. Luna was it? To be able to go home see her again?"

Jonathan remained silent

"Listen I'm not even going to try pretend like I understand that world. But we can help- " Danny commented

"Stop... Stolas has the book at the moment. There's no way to get it for a while..." Jonathan conceded

"Then how do we get it?" Danny asked

Jonathan fell silent.

"How do we get it." Danny pressured

"Stolas is going to be at this festival in about a month. It'll be there." Jonathan conceded

"See. was that so hard?" Danny asked standing up, "Alright... now we send you back as promised but if you tell them about this conversation after this over we will have kill you permanently. Please don't let it come to that."

Danny pulls out a gun and shoots Jonathan in the head killing him instantly


Riot jolts up now in Loona's bed to the apartment empty. Trying to get up he struggled to stand on own two feet having to grab the divider to prevent himself from falling over. Flopping on to couch unable properly move.


     Thats its for the Sins Of The Past story arc onwards to greener pastures or what the fuck ever

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