The Hills

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"That's the last one, Scotty," Meghan said, wiping her forehead off. "You're officially living with me now. Get excited."

You can't be excited when you're not even happy.

" you have alcohol?" I asked, joking. Though...a beer started to sound nice...

She scoffed at me. "No alcohol in this part of campus. They do weekly searches. Did I mention that?" I groaned at her.

"So I have to go all the way across the city to have a beer?"

"You could always start drinking something that won't slowly eat away at you until you're dead. Maybe soda, or something? My ex-roommate left her Dr. Pepper here when she left and I'm a Pepsi child at heart." She held her hand over her heart, smirking at me.

"Can I add a little vod-"

"No alcohol on this side of campus, Scotty," Meghan said, sighing. "Until you're of age. You are, actually allowed to drink here, but you can't bring alcohol in my house because I'm not twenty one yet."


"I'm not getting thrown out because of you. I thought living together would be fun because we've been friends since what, second grade?" I sat down and huffed.

"I hate this place already."

"Great. Welcome to The Hills."


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