So important

40 13 0

Love, love, love...
Why is its o important ?
Why do so much songs talk about it ?
Why do so much movies talk about it ?
Why do so much Books talk about it ?
Why do I talk about it so much ?
Huh ?
Someone told me it's because love,
Make feel us alive, make us dream,
Even if love comes with pain and tears.
But I still ask myself,
why it's so important ?
Why do I need someone else,
Why do I need to be loved,
Why do I need it si hard ?
Why do I suffer so much
Because of my lonely life ?
Why do I suffer so much
When I'm the first choice
Of anyone on this earth ?
Why I suffer so much
Because nobody would burn
The World for me ?

[20 juin 2023]

( Merci localfairyenthusiast pour la correction, <333 )

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