Chapter 6: The Loner Misfit

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Society can often pressure individuals to conform, pushing them to adopt roles that may not align with their true selves. The struggle to fit in can lead people to lose their authenticity.

Reflecting on Aakane's departure, I decided it was time to shift my focus forward. Dressing in casual attire as i hopped on my bike and headed to the playground where a group of kids played soccer. Among them, I noticed a boy isolated under a tree, excluded from the game.

(Y/n mind): Society's like a timed jigsaw puzzle – miss a spot, and it's game over.

Approaching the boy, I sat beside him on the ground.

(????): "What do you want?" he said, annoyed by my presence.

(Y/n): "Nothing, just want to talk."

(????): "Why do you want to talk with me?"

(Y/n): "Well, I saw the scene unfold. Is it like this in school?"

(????): (Looks annoyed, about to walk away)

(Y/n): "Did society reject you, or did you reject society?"

(?????): (Stops, wide-eyed) "What did you just say?"

(Y/n): "We can talk if you want. Believe me or not, but I already know more about you than you think."

(????): (Sits beside me)

(Y/n): "Before we start, my name is (Y/n)."

(?????): "My name is Hachiman Hikigaya."

(Just imagine hachiman as a 10-year-old kid I didn't find his kid pics)

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(Just imagine hachiman as a 10-year-old kid I didn't find his kid pics)

(Y/n): Nice to meet you Hachiman Hikigaya and as for your first question I'll answer it. I know everyone sees you as an outcast as for what made you close off your heart from the world it's pretty obvious. We live denying the fact that we live in a system that bases us upon our looks, intelligence, and other external factors but nobody sees what's in your heart. See the point I'm trying to make is I understand how you feel better than anyone else I know what it's like to close yourself off from the world something that I never want to do ever again. Look Hachiman I'm not telling you to change but at least have one person that you can depend on. Some problems you can't solve by yourself but you can with a friend so let me be that friend.

Hachiman was speechless...

(Hachiman mind): Who is this guy in just 2 minutes of our meeting he pretty much told me about my life without even knowing about me.

(Hachiman): And how can I trust that you will not change like the others?

(Y/n): It is whether you trust me or not I'm not forcing you to be my friend but if you need anyone I'll be there.

(Hachiman): Why are you going so far for someone you just met?

(Y/n): Because I know what lies beyond this point it is not pretty... I can assure you that. That's why I want to save you from that, that's all nothing more nothing less.

Hachiman was just speechless after a minute or so he spoke.

(Hachiman): Fine I'll be your friend.

(Y/n): Once again nice to meet Hachiman Hikigaya. (I put forward my hand for a handshake to which he does the same)

(Hachiman): Nice to meet you (Y/n)

I look at my watch to see it's almost lunchtime

(Y/n): So Hachiman wants to grab a snack I feel kinda hungry by talking, the treats on me. To which he responds with a. (sure.)

Both of us headed to a bakery and grabbed a meat bun but Hachiman bought a second package.

Y/n mind: I was isolated? I don't remember anything like that but... Why did I say those things? "When was i isolated from the world?"

I then saw Hachiman grabbing 2 bags of snacks

(Y/n): For your little sister?

(Hachiman): What the hell! How do you know about that?!!!!!!!! Can you read minds? Or something.

(Y/n): Well that would be cool but no your bag has a little bear pendent on it so I deduced that it was a girl. The question was whether or not she was your older sister or younger sister, I completely took a gamble on big or small sister but I would have gotten my answer anyways if I just said, "sister"

Hachiman was speechless

(Hachiman): Wow you got all that by just observing?!

(Y/n): Pretty much, yeah luck was also involved.

Hachiman: You're scary.

Both of us then left the store and started walking to Hachiman home

We chatted on our way and found it we have similar tastes in music, ideology, books etc.

(Hachiman): Wow this is the first time someone has talked so much with me to be honest it feels kinda of good to talk to someone other than my sister.

(Y/n): "See I told you, you just needed someone who understands you, not relates to you."

(Hachiman): Yeah, alright see you, this is my house.

(Y/n): Oh yeah want to exchange contact before we part ways?

(Hachiman): Sure *he pulled out his phone and we both exchanged each other's numbers*

We both waved at each other before we departed.

After 1min and 35 seconds

(Y/n): hum why do I feel like I'm forgetting something............. I FORGOT MY BIKE IN THE PLAYGROUND!!!!! APHRODITE I'M COMING HANG ON!!!!!!!

And the end of the chapter hope you liked it that's all see you in the next chapter bye ✌️

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