Chapter 29 : I Won't Let You

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While we were in class, I didn't have a chance to relax after dealing with the chaotic situation between the sisters and preparing for exams. However, I'm glad that the sisters are now reunited, giving me an opportunity to finally rest and enjoy sipping on some cola to my heart's content.

Tobe: Hey bro, why are you leaving me out what am I hikitani? Or is it watatani?

Y/n mind: basterds.....

Yui came up to us

Yui: Yallow, You two will be at the service club today right?

Y/n/hikigaya: Yeah.

Yui: Ok!, See you in the club room

As Yui walked away Saika came up to us.

Saika: Hi Hachiman and Y/N.

Y/n: What's up Saika.

Saika: We need to pick out a group for the Kyoto trip our teacher says we can do it during our homeroom class.

Y/n: I really doubt our school's choices sometimes. Our exams start next month right before Christmas and they're keeping this trip now.

Hachiman: Go with the flow bro, anyways seems like everyone has already made up their groups.

Saika: You really think so because I haven't found a group to join yet.

Y/n: I have an idea why don't you pair up with Hachiman?

Hachiman glanced at me, and in response, I flashed him a smile accompanied by a thumbs-up gesture.

As Hachiman blushed, he mustered the courage to ask, "Would you like to be in a group together?" Saika's face lit up with joy as ("s,he") eagerly nodded in agreement.

Hayama and Ebina entered the classroom.

Tobe: Where'd you go Hayato? Are you becoming a loner like Watatani?

Hayama: Can't I at least go to the bathroom by myself? By the way Tobe you using that joke way too much.

Guy1: Joke about him too much and you sink to his level you have "Tobe" better than him.

Y/n: (crumpled the cola can) "Those bastards..."

Hachiman: Dude just relax You are  crushing the soul out of that can.

-Time skip-

Yukinon poured tea for all of us

Y/n: "Thank you, Yukinon."

Yui: "Thanks!"

Yukino poured the tea into a plastic cup and placed it infront of hachiman, "Your tea will get cold."

Hachiman replied in surprise, "Huh? My mouth burns easily."

Yui: I wish our school picked somewhere more exciting for our trip like Okinawa, "Kyoto is pretty lame isn't it?"

Yukino: Actually there is a lot to do in Kyoto you can see and experience this country's culture first-hand.

Hachiman: I don't think that's why we are going.

Yukino: Really? then why do you suppose they make us go on these overnight school trips.

Hachiman: They're giving us an imitation of society, when you go on a business trip with your boss you don't get to choose where you stay or even what's for dinner but if you compromise it can be fun in its own way it's like practice for deceiving yourself in the future really.

Y/n: And this is the reason why he is my best friend. Fist bump. *we both fist bumped*

Yui: "Since when did you become like Hikki!?"

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