Chapter 11

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In the other bedroom, Duke was compiling a list of the Blackgale bloodline and their connections in the magical world. He had peaked into Nina’s room to see if she was asleep. He wasn’t worried that someone would get in tonight.

Duke had his weapons to scare any intruders and he had drawn runes all over the suite with invisible ink when Nina was getting ready for bed.

His research showed that the Blackgale family members were wealthy. It also revealed that Broody was a multi-dollar millionaire despite his appearance. At the rate he was accumulating wealth, he could become a billionaire someday.

Working with Nina and the members of the counsel had taught Duke not be impressed by money. He was well aware that Broody’s money can motivate some family members to hire mercenaries, especially estranged relatives.

He was worried that Nina wasn’t sleeping well or taking good care. She had lost a few pounds and she had this scared look about her. Worse, she had began zoning out into her mind, which was like another realm according to Duke.

He was Nina’s partner, but the counsel tasked him with keeping her safe from normal and supernatural threats. Nina was weird even for the magical world. She had a way of uncovering things no one was looking for or even knew they existed.

Her power became clear at about 14 years when she told people about their ancestors. Although she never really specialized, her visions were revered at the local charter. Often, she tell Duke information about investigations that she didn’t know were ongoing until she had visions or had a chat with the ancestors.

Duke was happy to guard Nina with his life because according to him, she was doing good work. Also, because she helped unwittingly in finding his sister. Turns out a wizards was kidnapping kids and she went told investigators of the mystical to look into him. Duke didn’t know what would have happened if his sister wasn’t found.

He updated his case with the activities that had happened since they touched down. He also sent a report to the local charter of the magical world counsel about their safety. Since the crash, Nina’s  mother who was the Head of the counsel was adamant about her safety.

Her father had a strong spiritual connection with Nina and always called if he felt she wasn’t okay. Nina had a support system that was there for her because most of the time she was there for strangers in need.

After sending in his reports, Duke checked to see whether the back ground checks he had requested. He saw they hadn’t come through so he checked on Nina before going to sleep.


The next morning, Duke was woken up by a knock on the door. An aide from the local chapter had come to help with the investigation.

He looked like he was a student in magic school with his pair of blue khakis. Maybe a recent graduate from one of those prep schools for those witches and wizards. Overall, he looked like he was about to jump out of his skin.

“My boss said I’m here as a liaison, but I’m not supposed to interfere with the investigation.” The aide said. “You can ask me for any information and I’ll try to offer answers. I have access to the local database and I report directly to the local charter counsel so you have access to most of the local resources.”

Duke wasn’t sure what local resources he needed, but the kid came with the necessary background checks. Also, he had some sort background information about the Blackgale family.

Nina was still asleep so Duke thought it would be best to go through the information about the family. He wanted to see if the aide can find something that was overlooked.

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