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Sorry this is so l8 guys 😍😍😍😍😍😍🌚🙏💋💋💋💋😉😉😉😉

Luv all your supportziezz

*hugs all ninety four million of you

Here, have a cookie form my cookie jar UwU \(••)/ xDdd

Beedo don't kno what he gonna do tho.all them pizzas
he vegan af. His gf sara said "you wil b vegan or I'll hav sex with u" and bden gay af also so he b vegan. Except he like meat. Both kinds of meat, but men meat most

Spermcell suggests, "I suggest we eat the pizzas,"

"Gid idea,"" barfdom reply

Thay eat them aLaLlll in Ten Minutes.
And magicaly don't have stomach akes or violently projectile vomit bc this is a fanfic

"I loved 33 pizzas," - badform

"Me too" -spermatozoatopilis

"Shame me Tvs till broken. I wanna finish Jerememe clarksons show w Richard Hammond and James bae"

"U mean top gear. Y the fuck is that on in murica?"

"I mean shut the fuk up"

"So anywheys, I came bc ryry was CRYIN after u and it got rly anoyin nd I wanted to slit his throte like the emo he rly is but I thought u might not like that very much so I came here. what should I do?"

"Wait, @god, Ryan is CRYIN over me?"

"Yup," he pops the p

"Eww get ur dick in ur pants spermcell,"

"Sorr- wait what?!?!?!?!?! U just were gonna about to fuk me tho??? I am replusled by this behaviour??""

"Yh but now I know ry up 4 grabzing so byeeee."

"Wait @brengnof urin!"

"Yeh?" He say, popping the h.

"He's on his way here now. I justa wanted u to know that." a singell tear drags down his cheek.ey cheeks.

"Thank sperm."

"Nb bb, u my (appel)bottom bitch. just so u kno, ur Uugly and I'd Neva fuk u normal. it just cos u were loanly."

"Thank sperm, agean.. ur a greate frend."

I want him to wish me good luck I don't. Zknow why I judt want my best firms approval.

"Good luck w Ryan"

My smile wide, heart beating, butterflies n breathen hard bc THINKIN bout ry

"I'll try" I say epicy however my voice cracking


3 down, 145 to go!! U guys "rEADY TO GO!??" B AHAHA XD XD XD REFERENCE! REFERENCE!!

Keep clipping the taenoils!!!

Tell me wHAT YOu thInkK.
I LOVe fEEd bAcK BECOz iM seRiOOdZ ABOUt wRItinGh.

Ps: A/N: Extra: also: I learned how to backspace! Now everything u read is checked through thoroughly.

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