Broke bitch

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The bell finally rang after what felt like hours. It was lunch time so Caiti went to the cafeteria to eat, except she was all alone since Haden and Coy were already done for that day, so Caiti had to sit alone.

She sat down on a chair and opened up her backpack to grab her lunch that she made earlier, except she couldn't find it anywhere... Caiti was in such a rush this morning, that she literally left her food on the kitchen counter!

Caiti was pretty hungry, but she didn't bring any money with her since she thought that she wouldn't be needing any, so she couldn't buy anything from the cafeteria. But luckily for her, Obama saw everything and he came up to her and gave her some money to buy food. He sat down next to her and Caiti turned her head to be met by the new head teachers eyes.

"Hello, I have noticed that you didn't have any food with you, so here is some money, go buy yourself something good." Obama said kindly. Caiti was still staring at his eyes. She was in shock that HE wanted to hel HER!!

"Thank you so much!" Caiti said, that was the only thing that could come out of her mouth, she was so nervous.

"No problem dear, can I maybe know you're name?" Obama said while putting the cash in Caiti's hands. "Caiti, sir. My name is Caiti." She smiled. "What a beautiful name! But you don't have to call me sir, just call me Obama." He said with a smile on his face. He got up and walked away, while Caiti was still following him with her eyes.

Caitibugzz x ObamaWhere stories live. Discover now