Caiti's first day

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Caiti woke up by the sound of her alarm going off. She opened her eyes and growled while rolling to the other side of her bed. She grabbed her phone and turned the alarm off, while checking the time; 08:03 am. Oh my god, apparently Caiti's alarm has been going off for more than 30 minutes now, which means she's going to be late for school!

Caiti rushed out of bed and picked up a outfit from the ground, put it on and rushed down the stairs.When she was downstairs she noticed that her brother and her mother had already left. She went to the kitchen and made herself some lunch for school. When she was done she went to the hallway to grab her school bag, she put on her shoes and jacket, and then she rushed out of her house while grabbing her keys from her bag. She grabbed her bike and biked as fast as she could to school.

It was the first day back at school after the summer break, so obviously Caiti was pretty nervous to say the least. A few minutes later Caiti arrived at the school and parked her bike in the bike stalling. She ran to the front door while checking her phone to see the time; she only had 2 minutes left... the classroom Caiti had to be in was on the 3rd floor, so that means she had to speed run her way up to the classroom.

Just as Caiti reached the door of the classroom, the bell rang... she quickly opened the door and luckily, she was exactly on time.

Caiti sat down on the chair while hanging her jacket over it. She grabbed her books out of her bag and put them on the table, when suddenly the door of the classroom opened...
Caiti looked up to see who opened the door, and when she saw who was standing in the doorframe, her mouth flew open...

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