Shape of you

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Caiti was biking home but she couldn't stop thinking about Obama... after he left at lunch, Caiti was so flustered that she wasn't hungry anymore.

But as soon as she got home, the thoughts of Obama disappeared; she had to stream! She went to the kitchen to get a snack and some cola, and went to her room to set up her stream. She put on the 'starting soon' screen and fixed her eyeliner a bit while waiting for the people to come in.

After a few minutes she reached almost 3k watchers, so she began the stream; a karaoke stream... her mods were fixing everything so that people can send in some songs they want Caiti to sing.

"Hi chat! Hi chat!" Caiti said happily "mods, please spam the link so y'all can choose a song y'all want me to sing! So chat, today was actually my first day back at school!! And goddamn, it was so boring. But at least the head teacher is pretty hot, so I guess it doesn't really matter." Caiti said to her chat while grabbing a snack and eating it.

Just as her mouth was full, she heard a knock at the front door... She quickly swallowed it "chat if I'm not back in 5 minutes, be worried and call the cops!" Caiti said before rushing downstairs to see who was at her front door, and there he was...

Coy, (who else? Obama?) "miss gurl, I'm streaming" Caiti said to the boy "I know! That's why I am here. I'll get you cloud! Everyone loves me! Your mom literally has my merch in her closet because she loves me so much!" Coy said while walking in the house, uninvited. "How do you even know? You fucking creep!" Caiti said while closing the front door and walking back up stairs.

"Ello chat! Today I will be taking over Caiti's stream!" Coy said in a British accent while sitting down on Caiti's chair. "Atleast grab your own chair!" Caiti said while pushing him off of her chair. "Oh Fock off! That's not how you treat you're guests!" Coy said, still talking in his British accent.

"If you really were British, there would be no way that I would let you in my house!" Caiti said, while glaring at Coy. "The queen is British! You fake fan!" Coy said while standing up from the ground. "Oh don't you dare to bring the queen in this!"
"The queen is everywhere Caiti! How could I NOT bring her up??" Coy said while walking to Caiti's bed.

Suddenly, Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran started playing. Caiti grabbed her hairbrush and used it as a microphone. While Caiti was singing the lyrics, Coy was silently crying on her bed.

"Girl you know I want your love, you're love was hand made for somebody like me, come on now follow my lead, I might be crazy don't mind me, s-" Caiti was cut off by someone pushing her chair away, and skipping the music.

"What are you doing?! That was my favorite song!!" Caiti said with a sad tone in her voice. "Ok, didn't ask, don't care" Coy said back while wiping one of his own tears away, and walking back to Caiti's bed.

While Caiti was rolling her chair back to her old position, a new song came on... "this one is dedicated to Obama, yuhhhh" Caiti looked with wide eyes to her monitor, then at Coy, then back at her monitor. 'Obama Prism' was playing......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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