Frozen past part 1

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[scene: ST.Freya's underground church]

(Y/n) and Theresa has made it to the underground church where the most advanced Schicksal biotechnology can be found, (Y/n) used his authority as SSS+ to access it for both of them.

Theresa: Search for data on "Biochip brain implant".

Theresa ordered as the Ai responded

Ai: In the Schicksal Core Database, there are 713 related results, 712 of these are classified as top secret due to their implications with the "Celine Project" and are restricted.

(Y/n): Ugh classic Otto, he has higher authority then me, so I can't get them.

Theresa: more data hidden away by Bishop Otto. Well, what about that single accessible search result?

Ai: Related records were found on February 7th, 2000, in the Babylon Lab, Siberia.

(Y/n): *sighs* I hate that place

Theresa: On February 7th, 2000... Darn, how could it be on that particular day. Database, help us export the related records.

The two that started to glow a reddish purple and glitched out of existence as Ai spoke

Ai: Yes, Theresa-sama

Unknown to the principal and teacher, one of their students. Kiana was watching what they were doing and saw them disappear.

Kiana: Huh? The screen is starting to disappear. I must go through it now!

Kiana walked to where Theresa & (Y/n) just was as it begins to glow red

Ai: Virtual space construction complete. Time: February 7th, 2000. Location: Babylon Lab, Siberia.

With that Kiana was transported into the Virtual space of that time and place.

With that Kiana was transported into the Virtual space of that time and place

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(A/n: Don't own image)

Kiana: Where... is this place?

Kiana then shouted into the snow covered land as she tried to reach someone on her comms

Kiana: Hello? Anyone? Dammit. There's no signal here. What is this place? I was right behind Theresa & (Y/n), but they gone as well! All I can see is that tower. I guess I'll head over and check it out.

With that Kiana made her way towards the tower in the distance, but her path was blocked, so she explored around the area. As she explored she was attacked by Honkai so she dealt with them. After dealing with that she found something on the ground and activated it. She continued to look and found another just like it, she also activated and her original path was no longer blocked. She made her way to the bridge.

Kiana: Never seen this much snow. We used to live in a snowy village when dad was around. I really miss the snow fights with dad. His snowball managed to smash through a massive 7-feet stone block! Hey wait, was he trying to murder me with that? What was he thinking? Then that stupid old man just vanished 4 years ago... Tried looking for him in Europe and Asia. Nothing. I wonder what he's up to now. Kind miss him, really.

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