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[scene: Mount Taixuan]

Kiana and Bronya was wondering where Lin Zhaoyu was, as the only thing left where she was, is one of the feathers.

Bronya: Where did Lin Zhaoyu go?

Kiana: I'm not sure...

Kiana picked up the feather.

Bronya: Did she leave this for us?

Kiana: Maybe she wants to tell us something. Should we... try entering it?

Bronya: Da.

Kiana and Bronya then entered the feather to witness the memory shored within.

Light faded away. The chilly winds felt like ice cold blades. Midnight. Mount Taixuan was exceedingly quiet during these hours. The Celestial Empyrea continued her slow walk.

Kiana: Hey——

Bronya: Are we... in a memory now?

Kiana: Yeah... but why? The previous feathers only allowed us to look.

Bronya: Nyet. The Kiana must remember. This feels similar to the feathers that the Class Monitor used before.

Kiana: Can this be...

Kiana looked around and saw Fu Hua on the mountain trail. She called out to her but Fu Hua seemed oblivious.

Kiana: She can't hear me...

Bronya: We should initiate pursuit.

Kiana and Bronya start chasing after Fu Hua. Soon they stopped chasing when they noticed Fu Hua speaking with someone.

Phoenix: Suyi? Why are you here? Where are the others?

Qin Suyi: Master...

The girl's ephemeral shade flickered. Her hesitation was obvious.


Su Mei: Suyi misses you.

Another person silently appeared beside Fu Hua and her youngest disciple Suyi. She was Su Mei, the 2nd Disciple of the Phoenix.

Su Mei: She has been waiting here every day ever since you left the mountain. Suyi is such a sweet girl.

Qin Suyi:......

Su Mei: The hour runs late, Master. We should head back to the Temple.

The Phoenix followed Su Mei up the mountain and left Qin Suyi on her own.

Qin Suyi:...They're planning to kill Master...

Qin Suyi suddenly turned around and faced Kiana and Bronya.

Qin Suyi: Are you here to stop this?

Kiana: What did you just say?

Bronya: You can see us?

Qin Suyi: *Sigh*

Qin Suyi sighed. The shadowy apparition suddenly transformed into a beast that lunged at Kiana. Kiana and Bronya got ready to fight. The transformed Qin Suyi spoke as she attacked them.

Qin Suyi: What you see is but an illusion. Such is the power of the Ebonstyle, the dark rod of Phantasm.

After speaking the three continued fighting. After a hard battle, both Kiana and Bronya won.

Kiana: Why did she attack us?

Bronya: This memory segment seems to be an anomaly.

Kiana: She just said that the disciples are going to kill their master. This must be the night 500 years ago when the seven swords of Taixuan murdered Fu Hua!

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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