Chapter 2

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There was a storm outside. Wukong was in his cabin in his pillow fort and laying there looking at the ceiling just thinking about nothing.

It's been a week after Mk and his friends stopped talking to him. It was a pain. He hated not talking to Mk. Mk was like his best buddy and he really loved and cared for the kid like he was his son or little brother.

Wukong started to hear faint whispers. His vision started to glitch blue. Wukong shot up and gasped. Lady bone demon.

"Argh.. I forgot you are still in my head." Wukong gritted his teeth.

"Hehehehe.. calm down Sun Wukong~ I can't really do anything anyways." Lady bone demon said in Wukong's head.

"So what's got you all sadden and frowned?" Lady bone demon asked Wukong. Wukong didn't answer. Instead he softly cried.

"Aw.. as much as we don't have a good past with each other, I am very concerned for you." Lady bone demon said with a little frown.

"It's nothing.. just- wait why do you even care." Wukong asked. "I may be a demon but I'm not heartless. Now are you going to tell me what's wrong Sun Wukong?" Lbd asked.

Wukong hesitated for a moment and looked down at his feet. "Your gonna laugh at it." "No, I won't." Lbd said after Wukong.

Wukong sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "I've done so much in the past.. I killed my best friend, Mk and his friends now hate me.. well not the blue guy. He actually came by a few days ago to check up on me and now Macaque is looking for me.. I'm so tired.. I'm tired of this, I'm tired of being so good and I'm tired of keeping everything in.. I just want to kill myself." Wukong explained as he cried.

Lbd frowned. "Well.. I'm sure they will come to apologize eventually and you'll explain yourself. But for goodness sake Sun Wukong.. killing your self? Suicidal thoughts?? This is more severe." Lbd said to the monkey. "Why would they? All I've ever done was let Mk deal with my past mistakes letting him get into more danger. I deserve this." Wukong said as he started to scratch his arms leaving blood in his nails.

"Oh Sun Wukong, please don't do that to yourself. Please do anything like punch a wall or rip out a pillow, anything but this." Lbd begged Wukong to not do it to himself but he didn't listen.

His ears were ringing which caused him to dig into his arms a little deeper.

"SUN WUKONG" Lbd yelled his name.

Wukong snapped his head up to see Lbd but realized she was speaking in his head. "Oops.." Wukong mumbled. "Sun Wukong, you need to get your act together and man up like the monkey you are." Lbd said in a pouty tone.

"S-sorry.. wait- why am I even apologizing to you after what you've done?!" Wukong yelled out realizing what was happening. "Ugh. Sun Wukong, apologizing by accident is normal." Lbd said with an annoyed groan.

"And how and why are you so nice all of a sudden? Is this your way of getting back at me and trying to make me go crazy..?" Wukong asked. Wukong could hear Lbd face palming, "Sun Wukong, you really are an idiot." Lbd said.

"Argh.. leave me alone.." Wukong's said going back at his depression episode. "As you wish, Sun Wukong." Lbd said then disappeared out of Wukong's head.

He sighed and looked back up to the ceiling. "I wish I can go back and change everything.." Wukong said to himself. He slightly pulled his hair with a grip to the point where he rips out his hair from his scalp.

[End of Chapter]

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