The Nurse

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I can't stand the sight of blood.

Which makes it quite ironic of me to pursue a career in medicine — nursing to be exact.

I had hoped, as just a beginner on an internship, I would be working the main desk and inventory. While that had been the case for the last two weeks, my luck had to run out eventually.

"Danielle, you've been doing a great job here at the desk," Olive, the nurse I had been working with, said to me and I could already hear the 'but' coming from a mile away.

"But there's going to be a shortage of nurses for the next month or so. You'll be paired with another nurse in the meantime, where you'll be taking blood tests."

I felt my heart sink at the thought of having to be near blood, but as quickly as it came, Olive managed to calm it with a few extra words.

"You won't be taking any blood samples yourself  but you may have to do the blood pressure tests."

Olive got up from her chair and walked out from behind the desk. She walked me to another floor of the hospital I wasn't too familiar with. With five different floors, it was very easy to get lost.

On the way there she filled the silence by saying, "I'm sorry if this sudden task change is too much for you."

I shook my head. "No, it's alright, don't worry. I should be prepared for quick changes like this right? I could be needed at anytime."

I knew it would happen eventually. There was no way I was going to be be doing inventory and desk job tasks for all three months of this internship.

"I've noticed you get a bit uneasy around blood." Olive said and I turned my head towards her in surprise.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you something that wouldn't make you uncomfortable."

I smiled to reassure her, "It's alright, don't worry. This could be like... exposure therapy."

When we finally reached the room, Olive knocked on the door and waits a few seconds before opening it. Another nurse was waiting inside already taking a patient's blood pressure.

Olive walked in first and I closed the door behind us. I quickly waved in the direction of the patient and brought my attention back to Olive and the nurse.

"Clem, this is Danielle." Olive gestured to me. "Danielle, this is Clementine. You'll be working with her for the next few months."

My eyes met hers and I got an overwhelming urge to keep looking.

Clementine was beautiful. She had short, pale blonde hair that framed her round face. Her green eyes shined under the bright lights on the ceiling, and her lips formed a small smile.

"Nice to meet you." She said, her eyes still not leaving my face.

Olive explains to her what the situation is, and it is only then that her eyes shift away from me. When they do, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Clementine gave Olive her full attention, but her hands seemed to move at their own accord. With only a few sparing glances to the equipment, Clem managed to remove the blood pressure cuff and prepare the syringe, needle and tube for the blood test.

It is only when she applied the alcohol to the patients arm that she looked away from Olive. She stuck her tongue out in concentration as she punctured the patient's skin with the needle.

My eyes darted away from her lips and instead landed on the tube that is now filled with crimson red blood.

I quickly shut my eyes, seeing as it doesn't want to behave and I only opened them when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

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