Kageyama Tobio ♡☆ Friendly Neighbor

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Kageyama's POV

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I heard quick taps at the door followed by a sweet voice every few times.

"Kageyama-kun!" I could hear (y/n) shout through the front door as I approached it.

"Kageyama-kun!" She called again. "I promise this will be the last time!"

Definitely not true I smiled.

"Kage—" She finally stopped as she heard me clicking both locks.

I opened the door and found (y/n) similar to the way I always did. Her hands clasped at her chest, face in a flushed pout, eyes glossy with tears. I hated to admit it was one of my favorite occurrences.

Your POV

"Kageyama-kun!" You reached for his hands and held onto them.

"I promise this will be the last time!" You bowed, trying to hold in your scaredy-cat tears.

"I'll get the next bug, just not this one!" You clasped your hands together. "Please!"

"Ii yo, (y/n)-chan." Okay he nodded as nonchalantly as ever, grabbing his house keys before he followed you down a door to your apartment.

"What is it this time?" He exhaled a familiar sigh as you both stopped at your front door, you waiting to go in behind him.

"A spider." Your lips scrunched as you held your hands at your chest.

He looked back at you with a small smile, amused and maybe pitiful.

"Where is it?" He blinked slowly, waiting for you to give one of the answers your normally did. Except this time it wasn't in the living room or your bedroom, it was in your bathroom.

"My wash room." You hesitantly answered but he hardly missed a beat.

"Where in there?" He opened your front door and you followed right behind him, peering around him as he walked, pointing to your room.

"I know which way it is." He chuckled and you were almost surprised, hardly anything got a reaction out of him.

"The shower." You stopped at the doorway to your room and he kept going, walking to the attached bathroom's door.

"Quick work." He noted before he went in. You heard just a little thump and bump and you rushed backwards as he came back out. He coolly walked towards your balcony with a flat matchbox he'd swiped off your counter.

He always let the bugs go, he never killed them. You thought it was sweet, something that let you know he was soft underneath his harder exterior, but you also childishly thought it must be why the bugs always came back.

"All done." He lifted one hand up as he shut the balcony door, walking toward you hiding in the kitchen.

"Thank you, Kageyama-san." You moped, a little pouty.

You always felt bad for dragging him over here, but this was the first time you'd ever lived alone! You always had roommates before to help you with this stuff.

It wasn't a reliable system either, he wasn't home consistently enough for this to work all the time, you'd have to figure something out.

Maybe he could see the look on your face, because he smiled reassuringly as he washed his hands next to you.

"I really don't mind, it's what neighbors are for, right?" He chuckled. He always said that.

"Mm." You still doubted with a frown, watching him as he turned the water off and dried his hands.

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