Shinsuke Kita ♡ Flower Festival

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Shinsuke's POV

"Kita-kun!" She shouted as she ran towards me through the crop linings in the field. She had a little pamphlet in her hand she waved as she made her way toward me.

"Kita-kun!" She shouted again as she used the porch as a landing point to jump into my arms, me somehow always hardly catching her even though I knew she nearly launched herself every time.

"(Y/n)-chan." I smiled the same way I always did when I saw her, holding her comfort and warmth closely before she pulled away.

"Kita-kun!" She caught her breath. "Look what's in town the weekend! We have to go!" She showed me the flyer in her hand as she pulled out of our hug for—

"A flower festival?" My eyebrows raised as I inhaled and exhaled looking over at her.

"Mhm." She happily smiled and bobbed her head up and down.

"What do you even do at a flower festival?" I knew about foods, flowers not so much.

"They've got different stands with vendors for treats and trinkets, I bet you they'll have something you like to help with the farming and planting and crops." She made her case.

"Does it cost to get in?" I asked fruitlessly.

"'Nope! It's super duper free." She rounder her pointer finger and thumb into an OK symbol and winked at me.

I sighed knowing I'd say yes, regardless of what it was she was asking.

"We can go." I didn't really need much convincing to spend my Saturday night with her. She was all I ever wanted to see, all I ever wanted to spend my time with, but I hardly knew if she felt the same way.

She'd look up at me with her doe eyes, batting 1000, holding my hand, pleading for me to do one thing or another with her, and I'd always say yes because I loved the way she lit up when she went new places or tried new things.

I've lived next to her parents for a few years now, and we met one day when she came to visit. More recently she moved closer to them because they're getting older, so I see her more often, and the more I get to know her the more I adore her.

I couldn't tell if she enjoyed getting to know me as a friend or more than one, so I stayed in the safe space of where she was comfortable, spending time together while pulling at my heartstrings.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes." She pumped her arms in little fist pumps. "Thank you, Kita-kun."

"Don't worry about it." I shrugged.

"But I mean it. Thank you, for always keeping me company around here."

"Of course." I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled. I knew I was in for it tomorrow.


Your POV

"Izanami-chan." He called you from behind and as you spun around, your hair, decorated with flowers, spun with you.

You turned around to see Kita with his hands in his pockets, dressed up a little bit and fit the part for where you were. He'd put on a linen button up with a plain shirt underneath and khakis, trying to look a little nice for the occasion it seemed. He looked at you in a way you couldn't quite place, and smiled when he spoke.

"You look beautiful." He nodded his head down once.

"And you look handsome!" You smiled brightly, hoping the flush in your cheeks wasn't visible, hoping he couldn't hear your heartbeat from where you were. "Look at you!" He avoided your gaze for a moment before keeping it again.

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