Bokuto Kotarou ♡☆ What a Coincidence

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"(Y/n)-sensei?" You heard from behind you.

"Hai?" You turned around, mid-hair-tie fixture. Only the guys called you that. Who would call me that here—

"Bokuto-san?" You smiled, accidentally dropping the hair ribbon you held between your teeth. "Holy shit, I haven't seen you in ages!" You gasped, a little embarrassed for immediately cursing. But you hadn't seen him since freshman year of college, it had been years now. And he looked, like, really good in his MSBY windbreaker.

"Here." He chuckled, picking your bow up off the ground to hand it to you. Did he eye you on the way up?

"Thank you." You took it after you looped the last tie around your half-up pigtail. "And oh my gosh, hi." You exhaled a laugh as you instinctively reached for a hug. You coached Nekoma in high school and your guys were close with Fukurodani at the time, you used to have the weirdest crush on him and you kind of felt like he liked you too but hardly anything came of it. You kissed him once, drunk at a graduation party, but profusely apologized when you were sober, though he very clearly didn't mind it.

"Hey, hey, hey." He smiled and warmed you with open arms. "You, um, wow—you look great." He waved his hand before putting both of them in his pockets.

"Thank you." You teetered your head with a smile, scolding yourself for flirting right off the bat. "Gosh, thank you—just, goodness, what are you doing here?" You were happy to see him but curious and slightly anxious to hear what his answer would be. What on earth was he doing at your ice rink right before your Summer International qualifier?

It didn't dawn on you until you asked that he probably was here to see a girl, and if he was in the dressing area, probably his girlfriend.

"Oh, my sister is a coach." He pointed his thumb behind him, and a weird wave of relief came over you. "I came looking for her, it's been a while since I've been to one of her competitions. I—uh, try to come and support her when I can." He smiled a grande ole smile.

His sister! You clasped your hands.

"Muramasa-sensei is your sister!" You gasped, your coach! "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I didn't put two and two together!" You lightly held and squeezed his forearm.

"Yeah, yeah." He chuckled, readjusting the beanie on his head. "Got the same face, right?"

"The same face." You giggled. "Gosh that's so cool," you exhaled. "That's so nice that you came to support her even though she's not the one skating."

"Oh, yeah, of course." He shrugged. "I've been coming for years though, I'm surprised I haven't seen you before."

"Oh, well." You shrugged now too, walking a few steps over to the mirror again, now to tie the hair ribbon on your other half-up pigtail. "I, um, skated for the same league for a really long time and I just left... I just didn't like the management as I got older, you know?"

"Really?" He sat down now on the bench slightly behind you, facing you as you faced the mirror. "What league?"

"Otori." You exhaled.

"You skated for Otori?!" He sat up in his seat.

"Yeahh," you laughed. "That's normally the reaction they get everywhere."

"Sorry to be a sheep," he chuckled, leaning back again. "That's just— I mean you've gotta be really, really good to be there. Those people are—"

"Crazy?" You raised an eyebrow.

"I mean I was gonna say intense to be nice." He chuckled again. "What happened?"

"Intense is nice." You pouted your lip before you smiled.

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