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3rd Person

A h/c haired girl opens her locker. "Pathetic" she mumbles under her breath as she reads the note. The note read A looser like you shouldn't be alive. Why don't you just kill yourself bitch. She crumbles the note and throws it away in the trashcan by the bathroom. She then closes her locker and walks to class.

She walks inside the doors and gets another paper thrown at her. The h/c haired girl looked in the direction it came from and saw a group kids laughing. She bent down and picked up the paper and read it. She rolled her eyes and tried to make her way to her desk. Keyword try. She was stoped by a Girl with black hair and blonde highlights. She had tanned skin and dark brown eyes.

Of course she was the cheer captain and was dating the school jock. 'How cliché' the h/c haired girl thought. "What is it Kelly" she said as Kelly looked at her. The girl now known as Kelly smirked "Oh nothing, just thinking about how your worthless and probly wont ever be good enough to breathe the same air as me. I bet that's the reason your mother left you, isn't it. She knew you were useless since birth!"

Those words triggered something in the girl. Something deep inside that had been kept locked away for years. She had tried so desperately to keep it locked away forever, but those words. Those words about her mother. They were like a key that had been lost until this point.

The h/c haired girls eyes widened had looked up at Kelly. Her expressionless face turned into a smile. A wicked, evil smile. One that would only be seen on a psychopaths face. Her smile showed razor sharp teeth, that of a demons. It was something no one has ever seen in this school.

She had normal teeth before so they were shocked and scared at her suden transformation. She lept at the girl. They fought and fought. The teachers came, but not even they could pry the girl away from Kelly.

Kelly was injured badly and the other girl had barely a bruise on her. The h/c haired girl once again had no emotion on her face in her fathers car. Her father was in the backseat with her. He looked at her in a disappointed manner. "Why would you do that y/n. You know that her parents were going to press charges against you right? If I hadn't bribed them you would be in ja-" "She was talking shit about mom, im not apologizing if that's what your looking for." her face still held no emotion when talking.

Her father sighed. "I know you always wanted to avoid going here, but its the only place that'll take you." y/n's eyes widened. She had wanted to avoid going to Nevermore her whole life. But now her father is making her. They never had a close relationship ever since her mom died. They almost always fought, now was the worst time of y/n's whole life.

Her father being an angel made her life somehow worse than it would be if he was human. She never wanted to be surrounded by outcasts. She finds it weird to be surrounded by others. She was the only demon-angel hybrid, so she was scared out of her mind to go here.

Y/n feared that she would be judges by the others. Yes she was judged at any other school that she has went to, but this school was different. Everyone else was judged, but she would be the outcast of all the outcasts.

The car stoped and she began to internally panic even if her face didn't show anything.

They had arrived...




At Nevermore Academy

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